

  • C Cup
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Yesterday I received an email with these contents:
Hi, there is a new BEA in town. Come visit us here:
[edited by mod to remove link that leads to violation content]
You can make some new friends, and may even see some old friends! We
all look forward to you joining us. Please note, this is not associated
in anyway with the Breast Expansion Archive.
Kind regards,
The Administrator

Now, I checked the site out and it looks highly illegal, so I can't imagine it's something that comes from the BEA staff.
However, I'm very VERY worried at something else: How the hell did they get my email address?
Message was CC'd to many members on here (mass CC'ing is also bad practice, but you're not to blame ofcourse).

But my email address is listed as invisible, should not be possible to scrape it from the BEA, so...
HOW did they get it?

Is there a leak in your security? Please note, I'm not trying to condemn you, but I'm trying to warn you, because it shouldn't be allowed.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 04:28:00 AM by Palomine »



  • ZZZ Cup
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Re: Why did I get an email called: Come Visit Us At The New BEA...?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2012, 05:34:27 PM »
happened to me too.  ???



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Re: Why did I get an email called: Come Visit Us At The New BEA...?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2012, 05:34:54 PM »
Back when this site was down for a long while, Bonecracker and others started up an alternative board which I guess is still struggling along somewhere out there.  I got an invitation myself.  The E stands for something other than Expansion.  Search your memory -- if you ever looked in on that place, they still have you.  Whereas, if this is all totally alien to you, then maybe there's an issue.



  • C Cup
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Re: Why did I get an email called: Come Visit Us At The New BEA...?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2012, 06:05:24 PM »
Hmm, I remember something like that indeed.

Nonetheless, that should still not be allowed to use my email address for that, but in that case, the real BEA would have nothing to do with it.



  • Oh My God Cup
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Re: Why did I get an email called: Come Visit Us At The New BEA...?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2012, 08:09:17 PM »
Back when this site was down for a long while, Bonecracker and others started up an alternative board which I guess is still struggling along somewhere out there.  I got an invitation myself.  The E stands for something other than Expansion.  Search your memory -- if you ever looked in on that place, they still have you.  Whereas, if this is all totally alien to you, then maybe there's an issue.

The "E" stands for "enhancement", and when I checked it out two or three years ago, it was devoted only to augmented models. Meh.
Someday, chi1dren, this entire fuck-up will be yours.



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Re: Why did I get an email called: Come Visit Us At The New BEA...?
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2012, 04:43:26 AM »
That email is yet another effort by a former user here (who earned his permanent ban by repeatedly endangering this community and breaking his promise to the BEA Owner) to market yet another 'alternative' BEA forum. Since it's got material that violates the BEA user agreement, it can't be linked to here... and like his prior efforts, it too will probably be short-lived.

Email addresses for BEA forum users WERE NOT 'leaked' via a security breach or anything of the sort. They were likely harvested through various means over time and are now being used by the banee and his assistants to market his site to BEA forum users without their prior knowledge or consent. If you've got a problem with them emailing you about such things, all we can suggest is that you take it up with them and ask to have yourself removed from their solicitations list.

'Other' BEAs pop up from time to time... generally founded by people who were incapable of keeping their word like an adult and getting themselves banned... then deciding to get their 'revenge' on the BEA by putting up a 'competitive' site. Given the nature of these people (who manage to get themselves banned despite numerous 'second chances') the sites they create are usually short lived and poorly attended. I recall one 'no rules' Other BEA that opened after weeks of hullabaloo only to be shut down due to legal trouble three days later.

The Breast Expansion Archive and Forum have been available almost continually to the community of users here since the mid-late 1990s. We have only those rules that are necessary to insure that we remain online for our users for many years to come. Everyone who can keep their word to the Owner (when they consent to the Rules during registration) is welcome here and always will be.