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General Discussion / Re: Honey - Very Buxom Brunette
« Last post by Shadowmuse Blown on Today at 12:56:12 AM »
What a honey
Off-Topic & Testing / Re: Fantasy Cars
« Last post by Shadowmuse Blown on Today at 12:43:41 AM »
Zeltango, of course
Off-Topic & Testing / Re: Fantasy Cars
« Last post by Shadowmuse Blown on Today at 12:42:30 AM »
Right now, this is a fantasy car, but it could be real in the future.  :)

I’ve seen a few “cars” that operate on this multi-propellor idea in working condition.  So, I’d say it’s a reality now, just not an everyday occurrence
49 years ago tonight (Saturday, Oct 11) SNL premiered.

This pic of the Not Ready For Prime Time Players was taken sometime between ‘77 & ‘80.
Off-Topic & Testing / Re: Penis Expansion Archive?
« Last post by Shadowmuse Blown on Today at 12:34:25 AM »
VoldemordAI on DA
Yesterday morning, the last surviving casino built by the Mob in 1957, the Tropicana hotel and casino was imploded to make room for the new Baseball stadium which will have the Athletics playing Mayor League Baseball in it. Most locals living here in Vegas were/are not supportive of that. :(

So, Solvegas, there’s NO Tropicana casino in Las Vegas, anymore?

No, there isn't anymore.  :'(

So the one in Atlantic City is the only one, now?  So weird.
General Discussion / Re: Captain Nemo's morphs
« Last post by Captain Nemo on Today at 12:20:56 AM »
Toppsy Curvey boosting office morale
to be linked to her thread
Off-Topic & Testing / Re: Anything random? Throw it into this thread.
« Last post by solvegas on Today at 12:09:43 AM »
Yesterday morning, the last surviving casino built by the Mob in 1957, the Tropicana hotel and casino was imploded to make room for the new Baseball stadium which will have the Athletics playing Mayor League Baseball in it. Most locals living here in Vegas were/are not supportive of that. :(

So, Solvegas, there’s NO Tropicana casino in Las Vegas, anymore?

No, there isn't anymore.  :'(
Off-Topic & Testing / Re: Anything random? Throw it into this thread.
« Last post by Shadowmuse Blown on October 12, 2024, 11:55:38 PM »
Yesterday morning, the last surviving casino built by the Mob in 1957, the Tropicana hotel and casino was imploded to make room for the new Baseball stadium which will have the Athletics playing Mayor League Baseball in it. Most locals living here in Vegas were/are not supportive of that. :(

So, Solvegas, there’s NO Tropicana casino in Las Vegas, anymore?
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