« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2022, 08:38:30 PM »
Bill Ward, a sexist pig? But not in the standards of then?
Now, he would be?
This is some really, truly, dEEp thinking that is way beyond the pale.
Perhaps from Mars or Venus?

Member since June 01, 2001
Get most of your news from television and all you'll know is what the anchorette info babes (& guys) spin your way! (Maddow, Costello, Sawyer, Brzezinski, Mitchell, Scarborough,etc. )
Get most of your news from television comics (Behar, O'Donnell, Stewart, Colbert, Sharpton, Letterman, Maher, Whoopi, etc.) and all you'll know is sarcasm and mordacity.