

  • F Cup
  • 1137
Chevron descision effect on the hobby/industry
« on: June 30, 2024, 06:54:31 PM »
part of the declination of the ability to MAKE more than 800 CC implants was the FDAs self justified choice to limit size and such... any hopes /changes any one heard anything



  • ZZZ Cup
  • 63878
Re: Chevron descision effect on the hobby/industry
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2024, 07:34:28 PM »
That recent Supreme Court decision could finally end its unjustified control over breasts size implants. Remember, it was the USA which invented breasts implants in the 60's and until the 1990's, most of your huge breast women were American, but then under the Clinton administration, the FDA put that silly 800 cc maximum rule and by the early 2000's, the huge implants moved over to Europe and now almost all of the truly huge women implants are European with the biggest being Beshine. Perhaps Jessy Bunny will be bigger in the future. Who knows. Foxy got her huge expanders from Europe and perhaps her next set will be European also. It would be nice if she could get them here in the USA. Back in the 1990's, Dr Gerald Johnson from Houston came up with the polypropylene, aka "Silly String", implants to bypass the FDA but it was not controllable like regular implants and most of the women that got the Silly String got rid of it. I hope in the future that USA women get on top of the mountain and become the biggest just like they were in the 70's, 80's and 90's.