Megalodon has been temp banned for 30 days for publicly offering to send users a link to a site prohibited by Owner's policy AFTER having been previously/publicly warned NOT to provide such info here when he posted the link earlier. If content is prohibited, users may not post it, provide links to it, or publicly offer/solicit info on how to obtain it: ALL ACTIONS ARE CONSIDERED EQUIVALENT.
Temp ban lifted when done. -P
brianchristopherteng2005_2006 has been banned for posting images of subjects that are questionable age-wise despite multiple warnings not to make such posts. His repeated source-prohibition and 1-1-1-1 violations, along with his insistence on posting photos of quite-possibly-underag3 subjects has earned him a ban from the forums.
juffisha has been banned for creating a UID for the sole purpose of posting off-topic commercial spam scams.
apu2005 has been temp banned for 30 days for behaving like an 8 year old (and an immature one at that). This is a site for adults.
Temp ban lifted when done. -P
leland was banned for posting prohibited content.
rodger281 was banned for violating the Owner's policy about solicitations/excessive content.
12/15/5: tandoori gets a 30 day temp ban for violating the Owner's rule re: **18** content. Content that is questionable/underag3 may NEVER be posted at the BEA
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
12/20/5 2 post user MoCheeks gets a 30 day temp ban for posting prohibited content.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
12/21/5 1-post user MammaryMan earns a 30 day temp ban for soliciting prohibited content.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
12/23/05 fusiOn_inC gets a 30 day temp ban for posting mysapce content.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
12/23/05 OldSalt ( gets banned for his totally uncalled for hate-filled outburst re: implanted models and for his insulting and homophobic rants towards other users.
12/24/05: Invincible has been banned for incessant violations of the Owner's policies re: post frequency, prohibited content sources and age of subjects, despite warnings.
12/28/5 jaimes890 banned for posting clearly labelled content prohibited by the Owner.
12/29/5 GambitCard333 gets a 30 day temp ban for soliciting Score content.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
1/2/6 EroBBuster gets a 30 day temp ban for posting clearly marked Score property, a serious violation of the Owner's rules intended to protect this site.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
1/4/6 Tallgeese4us banned for commercial spam.
1/4/6 noogie earns a 30 day temp ban for posting prohibited content.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
1/5/6 murphyo2003 earns a 30 day temp ban for posting prohibited content.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
1/7/6 Freeman has been temp banned for 30 days for posting probibited content.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
1/7/6 BlackLion earns a 30 day temp ban for posting/linking to excessive content.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
1/9/6 BEat01386 earns a 30 day temp ban for RE-posting content that we previously removed due to it being questionable age-wise. ALL such content is prohibited at this website, and NO, we can't take your 'word for it' that the subjects pictured aren't undeaged. Those **86** to abide by the Owner's policies regardless of whether they like/agree with them or not are unwelcome at this website.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
1/12/6 hipppoooo earns a 30 day temp ban for linking to content specifically prohibited by the BEA Owner.
Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P
1/15/6 allene (probably an alias for a previous banned spammer) has been banned for OT commercial spam/scams.