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« Reply #60 on: November 18, 2005, 03:32:09 PM »
User Highway has earned a 30 day ban for repeatedly posting pictures of apparently under-18 year olds despite many warnings.

 Ban lifted when complete. -P  
If Natalie Portman in furry elephant costumes is what matters to you, as it does to most sensible people, the choice is clear.----From now on I'm solving all my problems with food tampering!----If someone serves you a dead dog for lunch you do not stick around for the pudding.----Is it because I'm Jewish? Because I'd kill my Rabbi with a pork chop



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« Reply #61 on: November 20, 2005, 09:04:59 PM »
A Cup

Reged: 03/07/05
Posts: 5
Has earned himself  a 30 DAY SUSPENSION for his general disregard of other users of the forum.

 Temp ban lifted when done. -P  
*You have reached the Automated Moderation System. In the event of an actual breast expansion emergency, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official information, news or instructions.*

"I have often repented speaking, but never of holding my tongue."



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« Reply #62 on: November 21, 2005, 12:16:53 AM »
spot1997 banned for uploading underage **19** content to the galleries.
*You have reached the Automated Moderation System. In the event of an actual breast expansion emergency, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official information, news or instructions.*

"I have often repented speaking, but never of holding my tongue."



  • Video Tycoon
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« Reply #63 on: November 21, 2005, 03:33:05 PM »
boobifanX has been banned for 30 days for general rude behavior in the forums...  
Temp ban lifted when complete. -P
If Natalie Portman in furry elephant costumes is what matters to you, as it does to most sensible people, the choice is clear.----From now on I'm solving all my problems with food tampering!----If someone serves you a dead dog for lunch you do not stick around for the pudding.----Is it because I'm Jewish? Because I'd kill my Rabbi with a pork chop



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  • Modern Male Mammal, Linux enthusiast.
« Reply #64 on: November 29, 2005, 10:26:18 AM »
Megalodon has been temp banned for 30 days for publicly offering to send users a link to a site prohibited by Owner's policy AFTER having been previously/publicly warned NOT to provide such info here when he posted the link earlier. If content is prohibited, users may not post it, provide links to it, or publicly offer/solicit info on how to obtain it: ALL ACTIONS ARE CONSIDERED EQUIVALENT.

Temp ban lifted when done. -P  

brianchristopherteng2005_2006 has been banned for posting images of subjects that are questionable age-wise despite multiple warnings not to make such posts. His repeated source-prohibition and 1-1-1-1 violations, along with his insistence on posting photos of quite-possibly-underag3 subjects has earned him a ban from the forums.

juffisha has been banned for creating a UID for the sole purpose of posting off-topic commercial spam scams.

apu2005 has been temp banned for 30 days for behaving like an 8 year old (and an immature one at that). This is a site for adults.

Temp ban lifted when done. -P  

leland was banned for posting prohibited content.

rodger281 was banned for violating the Owner's policy about solicitations/excessive content.

12/15/5: tandoori gets a 30 day temp ban for violating the Owner's rule re: **18** content. Content that is questionable/underag3 may NEVER be posted at the BEA

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

12/20/5 2 post user MoCheeks gets a 30 day temp ban for posting prohibited content.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

12/21/5 1-post user MammaryMan earns a 30 day temp ban for soliciting prohibited content.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

12/23/05 fusiOn_inC gets a 30 day temp ban for posting mysapce content.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

12/23/05 OldSalt ( gets banned for his totally uncalled for hate-filled outburst re: implanted models and for his insulting and homophobic rants towards other users.

12/24/05: Invincible has been banned for incessant violations of the Owner's policies re: post frequency, prohibited content sources and age of subjects, despite warnings.

12/28/5 jaimes890 banned for posting clearly labelled content prohibited by the Owner.  

12/29/5 GambitCard333 gets a 30 day temp ban for soliciting Score content.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

1/2/6 EroBBuster gets a 30 day temp ban for posting clearly marked Score property, a serious violation of the Owner's rules intended to protect this site.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

1/4/6 Tallgeese4us banned for commercial spam.

1/4/6 noogie earns a 30 day temp ban for posting prohibited content.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

1/5/6 murphyo2003 earns a 30 day temp ban for posting prohibited content.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

1/7/6 Freeman has been temp banned for 30 days for posting probibited content.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

1/7/6 BlackLion earns a 30 day temp ban for posting/linking to excessive content.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

1/9/6 BEat01386 earns a 30 day temp ban for RE-posting content that we previously removed due to it being questionable age-wise. ALL such content is prohibited at this website, and NO, we can't take your 'word for it' that the subjects pictured aren't undeaged. Those **86** to abide by the Owner's policies regardless of whether they like/agree with them or not are unwelcome at this website.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

1/12/6 hipppoooo earns a 30 day temp ban for linking to content specifically prohibited by the BEA Owner.  

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

1/15/6 allene (probably an alias for a previous banned spammer) has been banned for OT commercial spam/scams.



  • Video Tycoon
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« Reply #65 on: December 11, 2005, 11:07:23 AM »
User gattsB has been banned.

GattsB used an avatar of an underag3 topless girl for his avitar. I removed it and sent him a message explaining why.

He reposed the avitar and has been banned.
If Natalie Portman in furry elephant costumes is what matters to you, as it does to most sensible people, the choice is clear.----From now on I'm solving all my problems with food tampering!----If someone serves you a dead dog for lunch you do not stick around for the pudding.----Is it because I'm Jewish? Because I'd kill my Rabbi with a pork chop



  • Video Tycoon
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« Reply #66 on: December 22, 2005, 04:47:08 PM »
User perry123 has been banned for various forum rule violations as well as 3 very rude posts.  Somehow he managed 5 rule violations in just 8 posts.

If Natalie Portman in furry elephant costumes is what matters to you, as it does to most sensible people, the choice is clear.----From now on I'm solving all my problems with food tampering!----If someone serves you a dead dog for lunch you do not stick around for the pudding.----Is it because I'm Jewish? Because I'd kill my Rabbi with a pork chop



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« Reply #67 on: December 23, 2005, 11:15:53 PM »
User Avers has been banned. After being warned about linking to file sharing services, he again created such a link. It wasn't immediately visible...but his ego got in the way, and he felt he ought to brag about how it was done indirectly.

Whatever way, it was a link to a file sharing service and we do not want that happening here. And we will not let it go; when discovered, there are consequences.




  • Video Tycoon
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« Reply #68 on: December 27, 2005, 06:21:31 PM »
User Geoffk has been banned for antisocial behavior and general Assclownery.

see thread

If Natalie Portman in furry elephant costumes is what matters to you, as it does to most sensible people, the choice is clear.----From now on I'm solving all my problems with food tampering!----If someone serves you a dead dog for lunch you do not stick around for the pudding.----Is it because I'm Jewish? Because I'd kill my Rabbi with a pork chop



  • Video Tycoon
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    • http://www.cheviotsplace.com
« Reply #69 on: December 28, 2005, 06:42:49 PM »
Mammeister has been rebanned, this time permanently,  for his rude and asinie postings in the off topic forum regarding a friend of a forum member who was defrauded out of $9200 over the holidays.
If Natalie Portman in furry elephant costumes is what matters to you, as it does to most sensible people, the choice is clear.----From now on I'm solving all my problems with food tampering!----If someone serves you a dead dog for lunch you do not stick around for the pudding.----Is it because I'm Jewish? Because I'd kill my Rabbi with a pork chop



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« Reply #70 on: January 03, 2006, 12:03:07 AM »
Spammer Nathen aka Suffie is permanently banned.
*You have reached the Automated Moderation System. In the event of an actual breast expansion emergency, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official information, news or instructions.*

"I have often repented speaking, but never of holding my tongue."



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« Reply #71 on: January 05, 2006, 04:11:27 PM »
User houbabooba's account has been banned because it has been stolen. Make a new account with a different pass and pm a mod regarding getting your old one back should you want it.




  • Video Tycoon
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« Reply #72 on: January 07, 2006, 03:20:58 PM »
Chronicler/ Captain Caveman, after stating several times he was leaving the BEA forums has been banned for disruptive and, frankly, non-sensical posts to the forum.

Since he stated he was leaving anyway this is just a preventative measure.


Also banned Alaric, which was a pseudonym for Captain Caveman/Chroicler.
If Natalie Portman in furry elephant costumes is what matters to you, as it does to most sensible people, the choice is clear.----From now on I'm solving all my problems with food tampering!----If someone serves you a dead dog for lunch you do not stick around for the pudding.----Is it because I'm Jewish? Because I'd kill my Rabbi with a pork chop



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« Reply #73 on: January 08, 2006, 03:40:33 AM »
breastanalyser has earned a 60 day suspension of activities on the forum.

The ban is now permanent.
*You have reached the Automated Moderation System. In the event of an actual breast expansion emergency, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official information, news or instructions.*

"I have often repented speaking, but never of holding my tongue."



  • Moderator
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  • Modern Male Mammal, Linux enthusiast.
« Reply #74 on: January 12, 2006, 01:49:24 PM »
1/12/6 Arthas earns a well-deserved ban for multiple violations of the Owner's rules, including (but not limited to) posts including hate speech, Nazi related images, inciting chaos and discontent among the community and most recently, 1-1-1-1. Prior to his most recent violation, he was specifically warned that his next violation would be his last, and he acknowledged this warning. Fin.

1/15/6 Deux_Anges earns a 30 day temp ban for posting prohibited content.

Temp ban lifted when done (a little early actually). -P  

1/15/6 Bonzzo earns (and is lucky to get) a 30 day temp ban for posting and link to prohibited content.

Temp ban lifted when done. -P  

1/16/6 apu2005 earns a 30 day temp ban for continuing to crosspost the same IDQ in multiple threads in multiple forums. Users asked him not to do this, mods contacted him and told him not to do it and he promised not to. He then promptly went ahead and did it again.

Temp ban lifted when done. -P  

1/16/6 cdbing earns a 30 day temp ban for linking to Score property.

Temp ban lifted when done. -P  

1/17/6 sujee permanently banned for posting commerical spam/scams. The old adage applies: if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is. This kind of crap has no place here.

1/17/6 fernsehgugg earns a 30 day temp for posting two serious content violations (clearly prohibited in the policies he agreed to just minutes earlier) in just his first 5 posts.

Temp ban lifted when done. -P  

1/17/6 HugeHooters earns a 15 day temp ban for what is almost certain underag3 content.

Temp ban lifted when done. -P  

1/20/6 camshe banned for commerical spams.

1/26/6 climax earns a 30 day temp ban for posting underag3/prohibited content.

Temp ban lifted when done; a little early actually. -P  

1/28/6 peschi is banned for posting prohibited content (he's already been temp banned previously and is out of second chances). 2/27/6 peschi returns as weirdstuff and is rebanned.