seforin > thanks for replying, yeah i hope we see some jdi action soon. moriyama supposedly has said that jdi is his proudeset work so hopefully some day he'll get around to a sequel. about usagi-chan, thanks a bunch for going out there to find it, i don't have IRC ... i started looking into getting it but it seems tricky.. is it? well, good luck getting usagi-chan, and please let me know when you do! or if there's anythinng i can do to help... and about "jungle de ikou insasiable," well, the project was just too big for me. i've explained this a number of times in response to different queries but basically i didn't have time for it. i'd like to rebuild the mansion in some form, but when i wrote to the bea i never heard back. maybe i should write again. see my account seems to have been deactivated...
anonymous > they couldn't reduce mii's figure for tv! at least... at least i hope not! it just wouldn't suffice for her to be another big-breated anime chick like nanako or the girl from angel links. it's a running joke throughout the show just HOW big her bosom is. it just wouldn't be the same... but, other than that, a little less innuendo wouldn't be so bad. jdi wasn't really that dirty, i mean there wasn't even any toplessness or anything. as long as mii gets plenty of bounce time, sounds fine to me.