I have noticed something alot of times that do help, and well, it is something I myself find 'stupid' for people to do also, but some people I do not understand. And that is, if the rest of you morph artists feel the same as Magic,
"No Morphs of women with heads chopped Off, or faces blurred."
IF you wish a private morph as I myself has done a few times with a few nice and trusted artists here, do again as Magic said, 'send a private morph via PM and e-mail'.
Other then that I must admit as a woman myself, I still do not understand these other women at times who want to have their breasts all exposed BUT have their faces blurred out, oh I hear it is so I cannot be known, and I always thing IF you do not wish to be known, why are you into getting bigger rbeasts anyway, now for sure, heck, THAT is a way not to be known, to go from a flat chest to some mellons, I am sure no male nor female like myself would notice that. (sarcasim, but well you all understand, I like Magic and I hope the other artists do not understand nor feel myself respected to good with that type of request) I know some of you have morphed requests of girls without heads and blurred faces, but still, I believe you all artists should maybe do as Magic does and says, again "No face/No head = No Morph"