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Hi all,

just did a new tutorial for the free side of my webpage here and it definitely relates to this whole section of the forum.

Now, I'm not saying people should be forced to read this before posting a "can you morph this" image...but it would probably be a really good idea...

Morphing Lesson #3: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...




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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2005, 06:03:42 PM »
An honorable effort with a thoughtful list of problems found in submitted pics.  I would probably add one more:  No pic submitted.  I roll my eyes when I see the request for a morph of Ms. _________  _______, and the morpher is expected to go find the pic himself.  

But any list just might be futile.  We can only hope that potential requesters will find this thread.

Thank you for your effort.



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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2005, 07:38:57 PM »
For those who can't figure it out from the illustration:

1. Pics must be properly exposed.
2. Pics must be of sufficient resolution.
3. Pics must be large enough.
4. Pics must have enough space to work in.
5. Pics must be in focus.


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be met by an increasing compassion and tolerance
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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2005, 12:13:24 AM »
One more you missed, but wonderful what you have..

6. Subject must be age 18 or over.

I was tempted to add..
7. Request should be on-topic.

..but I won't.  
Thank you for your patience as I indulge my need to share.



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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2005, 04:57:28 AM »
8.  Picture must include girl's breast area

unless it's a face swap .. then must include face ... and not pixilated ...

-Munch "9. picture must include girl" Wolf



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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2005, 07:25:39 AM »
Can I add "Subject must be relatively good looking?"



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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2005, 08:02:27 AM »
that's a tricky one because beauty is subjective, but let's put it this way if someone makes a "morph my girlfriend" thread and no one replies and they've met all other conditions, they shouldn't ask why its not been done or if someone will do it.



  • Oh My God Cup
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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2005, 08:20:50 AM »
Essentially, a bit of etiquette would come in useful for some of the requests.

They ask and the morpher is at their leisure whether or not to use that material.

I dislike the "hour waiter's", who wait a tiny amount of time and then complain about "300 views and no reply!"
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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2005, 06:06:05 PM »

8.  Picture must include girl's breast area

That pretty much comes under "must have enough room for breasts..." It's a more extreme subset of it, but it's still there.




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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2005, 06:17:06 PM »

6. Subject must be age 18 or over.

Visibly age 18 or over.
Having talent or money is not a license to be a jerk.

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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2005, 06:25:38 PM »
Way to go Fuzzy!

Diplomatic but to the point.




  • G Cup
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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2005, 07:56:43 PM »
also, they could put [Req] in the title of the thread but, hey... we already know it's a request forum lol. good point btw fuzzy



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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2005, 07:32:26 PM »
I have noticed something alot of times that do help, and well, it is something I myself find 'stupid' for people to do also, but some people I do not understand. And that is, if the rest of you morph artists feel the same as Magic,

 "No Morphs of women with heads chopped Off, or faces blurred."

 IF you wish a private morph as I myself has done a few times with a few nice and trusted artists here, do again as Magic said, 'send a private morph via PM and e-mail'.

 Other then that I must admit as a woman myself, I still do not understand these other women at times who want to have their breasts all exposed BUT have their faces blurred out, oh I hear it is so I cannot be known, and I always thing IF you do not wish to be known, why are you into getting bigger rbeasts anyway, now for sure, heck, THAT is a way not to be known, to go from a flat chest to some mellons, I am sure no male nor female like myself would notice that. (sarcasim, but well you all understand, I like Magic and I hope the other artists do not understand nor feel myself respected to good with that type of request) I know some of you have morphed requests of girls without heads and blurred faces, but still, I believe you all artists should maybe do as Magic does and says, again "No face/No head = No Morph"




  • Oh My God Cup
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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2005, 03:27:17 PM »
I blurred once (ex gf) and its a shame, because she is really quite pretty.
«Zoneofdecay on the outside, tasty on the inside.»



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Re: How to help make "Can you morph this" a less futile request...
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2005, 06:14:52 PM »

I blurred once (ex gf) and its a shame, because she is really quite pretty.

 Not to sound like a stick in the mud, and this is not really the place t start talking about anyone's Ex, more so a place for ideas on rules to make 'all' requests good for everyone that are posted and requested....

 BUT I am a stick for yes, women's rights, for everyone's rights really, but it does turn me to at times see women get the low end, and I just think a blurred face, as you admitted more or less in your reply is a woman that does not wish to be added to this place and morphed in anyway. (Besides, I am sure, ex or not if anyone wishes to be morphed they would have their own log in and ask for it as many couples here do private or not.)

 Again the 'blurred' or no face thing is just a thing I feel is like it is exactly on TV, you know when they blurr the faces of people on TV when those people will not 'allow' themselfs to be filmed, same thing holds true for images as well.

 Anyway that is just what I think and believe and it is also against the law, not in a huge way, but dependible on 'how' it is used, and how far the person in image will take it, it is still against the law, so rule of thumb always, IF the face is blurred, hey, they do not wish to be a part of it.

 Again just a stick in the mud some may say for rights, but glad to see most also thing so, as it did come from Magic to start with, and I do agree with him

 "Blurred or No face, this woman does not wish to be a part of it therefore, is out as far as how far many if any really with the right heart and mind should take it."

 Again just an opinion, but in that opinion 80% of the time, the law is also along side that opinion as well.
