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Breast Augmentation Resources FAQ
« on: May 24, 2006, 07:39:29 PM »
This thread was inspired by the usual laws of supply and demand.  Unlike the FAQ in the General Forum, this thread will only concern itself with information directly relating to breast augmentation and such.  For example:

- surgeons who do the work at the larger end of the scale (incl. contact info, web site, etc)
- where to buy bras which fit those new, larger breasts
- where to buy clothing which fits properly (or resources on how to make them yourself)

The FAQ in the General Forum which was the original inspiration for this can be found here:


I'll be putting up a rather modest list of surgeons as soon as I can get around to it (hopefully tonight).

Folks, please keep posts in this thread relevant.  Try not to post questions, posts helpful information instead.  For things relating to the BE fetish, anime and whatnot, please head over to the General Forum and add to that FAQ instead.

Mods, if you could, please pin this to the top of the Real World section.  Thanks!  



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« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2006, 09:41:54 AM »
This list is by no means guaranteed to be comprehensive.  If you have another surgeon you'd like me to add to the list, PM me and I'll (try to) edit my post with the update.  I'll give you credit for the find, of course, unless you'd prefer to remain anonymous.


- Dr Yermian did Vixen Lamoore's work (and according to a 2005 post from Vixen, he's not having any issues getting the larger implants)
- Dr Domanskis did Antoinette's work
- Dr Sonntag did XXXena's work
- Dr Baeke did Keisha Evans' work (as well as the work of a couple of BEA members); he may also still be looking for a surgeon to pass the torch to (ie, expertise in the unusually large implants); he also has contacts/procedural/paperwork info regarding how to expedite with Eurosilicone



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Bras, Bathing Suits and Lingerie
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2006, 10:09:54 AM »
This is an area I haven't done a lot of research on, so if you've got something good to post here, go for it.  (Alternatively, drop me a PM.)

In general, finding an online bra/bathing suit site which caters to the larger cup sizes is more common in the UK, which means having to deal with extra shipping and customs tarrifs if you live outside of the UK.



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If you're completely new to breast augmentation, check out the resources at these sites:

If you have larger, droopy breasts, check to see whether your areola is below the breast fold.  If so, you have what is categorized as grade 3 ptosis (you can Google this for links galore).  If you fall into this category, there's an excellent chance the surgeon will tell you that he will need to do a lift, either as part of the breast augmentation surgery, or as a separate surgery prior to the BA.  He will (or should) clearly tell you that the risk of not getting a lift means a pretty good likelihood that you'll end up with perky breasts where the implants are, but droopy breast tissue hanging from them (ie, not an aesthetically pleasing look).  If you think you can convince him not to do the lift in this case, good luck with that.  Remember, these surgeons have aesthetics to consider, and would be hard pressed to proceed with something that runs contrary to their training and experience.  Note that with a 'lollipop' or anchor lift, you will end up with a vertical scar down the front of the breast (from the bottom of the areola to the breast fold); there's no way around this, unfortunately.  However, some clinics offer micropigmentation treatments (essentially tattooing) and other options for minimizing the resulting scar.

If you want to see what it's like to have larger breasts (post-op), try the rice test.  This means buying a larger cup size bra, and getting some old stockings or panti-hose that you don't mind cutting up.  Get some dry rice, measure up an arbitrary amount (500-1000cc to start), pour the rice into one stocking (optionally cutting off the excess legging), make a knot (such that you can untie it, but which won't untie itself), put on the bra and stuff it into the one cup.  Repeat for the other side.  Adjust for comfort and looks.  If you feel you need more/less rice, remote the stocking, and add/remove rice as you like.  Don't forget to measure and take notes, so you know what size you like.  You can also try this with potato buds, although the lighter weight may not be indicative of what the weight of augmented breasts will be like.  You could alternatively try this with plastic bags and water, although potentially quite a bit messier if you don't seal the bags properly.  (For doing size conversions, go here:  http://www.googleguide.com/calculator.html )

Another option to doing the rice test (and one which might be more comfy if you decide to wear them for extended hours in public) is getting a pair of breast forms, as sold here:  www.thebreastformstore.com

One thing to note:  It's great to learn everything you can regarding breast augmentation, available styles/sizes/manufacturers of implants, etc, and by all means if you find you're dealing with a surgeon who thinks that anything larger than 500cc is only intended for strippers and porn stars, find another surgeon.  That said, don't try **77** your opinions onto the surgeon.  An open discussion is one thing, but trying to convince him to do something against his own personal and professional ethics is just wrong.  Another thing to remember, is to go with your gut instinct; if the consult is going reasonably well, but something inside you is telling you this surgeon isn't for you, listen to that inner voice.  By the same token, if you have a consult with a surgeon and things are just clicking for you, he is most likely The One.

A surgeon's experience will be critical here.  Be aware that the creation of the implant pocket (or modification, if you already have implants and are going back for another surgery) will be a strongly determining factor regarding the final results.  The implant shape (eg, HP) will have a modest influence on the final outcome, but the pocket shape will have a major influence.  Poor pocket creation/placement will have poor results, no matter how amazing the implant's reputation is.

Start collecting pics of the look you like.  Create a folder on your computer, save what you can when you can.  Periodically go through that folder, weeding out all but your top 5-10 most favourite pics.  When you go looking for pics, you'd be best off looking for pics of women who have obviously had implants, as otherwise the surgeon will take one look and know immediately that a) the woman is natural, and b) he can't achieve that look surgically.  I'm specifically referring to women who have amazingly large and full/pendulous breasts.  As much as any of us like that look, I'm not aware of any surgeon who has been able to recreate the pendulous look, with the possible exception of Dr Baeke (ref: Keisha Evans), but he's retired now.

It is my hope that there are women reading this who are reluctant to post, concerned that they'll attract a huge following of lecherous fools.  While a valid concern, don't let that hold you back.  The vast majority of posters here are great guys and gals, and anyone who dares to harass you in PM, just let one of the moderators know, and they'll be sure to take out the trash.    I'd be glad to try and assist you privatly in PM, although I suspect that many here might be able to supply the answer for you.  Still, if shyness or concerns of anonymity is an issue and you'd prefer to PM, go for it.

I'm sure there are other hints/tips I've left out, but they're not coming immediately to mind.



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How do I get in on the 1000cc Silimed/Mentor/whatever implant study?
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2006, 11:30:14 AM »
Assuming you qualify, the best bet is to find a surgeon who is part of this study.  (This goes for the silicone gel implants as well as whatever is available in the saline implants.)  Trying to find a surgeon who is part of this study can be a bit of a needle-in-a-haystack, if you try contacting their offices directly, unless you've already heard about one through a friend or friend-of-a-friend who has already gone this route.  The better option is to contact the implant manufacturers directly.

I thought I had a better contact link for Mentor, but it seems they'd rather you call someone on the phone.  (I didn't fare even that well with Inamed.)

When you initiate contact, explain that you're trying to locate a surgeon in or near your area who is participating in the 1000cc silicone (or saline, if that's your area of interest) clinical study.  Be aware that the numbers of these surgeons is a pretty short list, so even if you live in a major urban centre, don't be surprised if the list you're given back is one and only one name.  If they tell you there's noone in your area, you may need to follow up and find out where the nearest one is.

Quick list of relative merits between saline and silicone:
  • If the cohesive silicone gel shell ruptures, there will be no leakage or deflation.
  • Silicone implants are sealed at the factory, and therefore are not an option for the TUBA (belly button) procedure.  I'm uncertain whether they're an option for the transaxillary (armpit) procedure.
  • Saline implants can be overfilled.  If you prefer the "fake look", this should be your choice.
  • If a saline implant shell ruptures, the deflation can be slow, or it can be quick.
  • The Becker implants seem to be a compromise, by being a hybrid of saline and silicone (separate chambers).  However, I've heard less-than-stellar reviews of this particular implant (ie, the fill port valve has been known to leak).  Note that my info might be outdated; that said, caveat emptor.



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Re: Bras, Bathing Suits and Lingerie
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2006, 09:56:23 PM »
Updated with links posted by Questor.  Also added an encouraging comment from Antoinette regarding shopping on Ebay and Figleaves.

In general, finding an online bra/bathing suit site which caters to the larger cup sizes is more common in the UK, which means having to deal with extra shipping and customs tarrifs if you live outside of the UK.

Per Antoinette:  "Ebay in general is a great place to shop for large size bras. Just put in your size....example....36H bra....and it pulls up a bunch of auctions. You can get some gorgeous bras on there in huge sizes. I've already ordered a few from there and from Figleaves (I know you've already mentioned Figleaves in the links)....gorgeous bras and for amazing deals on Ebay."



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Re: Surgeons
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2006, 05:34:41 PM »
Updated with info from Antoinette that Dr Yermian now has a website.


This list is by no means guaranteed to be comprehensive.  If you have another surgeon you'd like me to add to the list, PM me and I'll (try to) edit my post with the update.  I'll give you credit for the find, of course, unless you'd prefer to remain anonymous.


- Dr Yermian did Vixen Lamoore's work (and according to a 2005 post from Vixen, he's not having any issues getting the larger implants)
- Dr Domanskis did Antoinette's work
- Dr Sonntag did XXXena's work
- Dr Baeke did Keisha Evans' work (as well as the work of a couple of BEA members); he may also still be looking for a surgeon to pass the torch to (ie, expertise in the unusually large implants); he also has contacts/procedural/paperwork info regarding how to expedite with Eurosilicone



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Re: Bras, Bathing Suits and Lingerie
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2006, 08:24:00 PM »
Updated with a link to biggerbras.com, courtesy of funkyboobster.  As posted, it's a link to sizing.

In general, finding an online bra/bathing suit site which caters to the larger cup sizes is more common in the UK, which means having to deal with extra shipping and customs tarrifs if you live outside of the UK.

Per Antoinette:  "Ebay in general is a great place to shop for large size bras. Just put in your size....example....36H bra....and it pulls up a bunch of auctions. You can get some gorgeous bras on there in huge sizes. I've already ordered a few from there and from Figleaves (I know you've already mentioned Figleaves in the links)....gorgeous bras and for amazing deals on Ebay."



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Re: Bras, Bathing Suits and Lingerie
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2006, 07:57:11 PM »
Updated with a link to barenecessities.com, courtesy of bolddude.

Edit: MAJOR update from Bold_Dude today.  Details below, but here's the skinny:  plussizebras.info, thebigbrashop.com, traditionallingerie.co.uk, snaresofvenus.com, and galleryserpentine.com.au.

In general, finding an online bra/bathing suit site which caters to the larger cup sizes is more common in the UK, which means having to deal with extra shipping and customs tarrifs if you live outside of the UK.

(1) Formerly www.plussizebras.org. Thought to be defunct, it seems all they did was shift from .org to .info.  An excellent reference, and a great catch by Bold_Dude.

(2) Per Antoinette:  "Ebay in general is a great place to shop for large size bras. Just put in your size....example....36H bra....and it pulls up a bunch of auctions. You can get some gorgeous bras on there in huge sizes. I've already ordered a few from there and from Figleaves (I know you've already mentioned Figleaves in the links)....gorgeous bras and for amazing deals on Ebay."

(3) Per Bold_Dude:  "I also maintain a list of online retailers who deal in large sizes. They each have their pros and cons, such as the brands/sizes carried, or how crappy their sizing chart is. Figleaves.com, for example, is under the mistaken impression that US bra makers use the UK lots-of-double-letters system (which also skips cup sizes I and II). This is untrue. US makers will sometimes use some odd scales, but none in my experience matches the UK standard. Some British sites will only have a chart which goes up to FF, even though they sell sizes up to the mighty JJ. Or they will fail to make it clear that K and L cup bras they carry are American, and thus not actually larger than a JJ. Silly stuff like that.

The Big Bra Shop (www.thebigbrashop.com) is just such a British site. Their claim to fame, however, is that they carry bras up to an incredible 46JJ, while the largest I've seen elsewhere is 40JJ-- and even that's hard to find."

(4) Per Bold_Dude:  "Traditional Lingerie (www.traditionallingerie.co.uk) is a UK site with a poor user interface, but a decent UK size guide and selection. Finding what you're looking for is only easy, if you already know what you want. They do sell a large number of brands, including Silhouette (up to 40JJ, not that the site search will find that size for you). Prices aren't bad."

(5) Per Bold_Dude:  "Snares of Venus (www.snaresofvenus.com) is American, and makes custom bras from measurements. Quite a few measurements, in fact."  Apparently they did one for Keisha Evans, although no word to date on how that worked out for her.

(6) Per Bold_Dude:  "Gallery Serpentine (www.galleryserpentine.com.au) does corsets, and was recommended by a couple of Australian ladies, on a busty support forum somewhere. As I recall, they had good luck with the 'Edwardian' and 'Victorian' overbust corsets, using them for daily support."

MANY thanks to Bold_Dude for his significant contribution!  

(I may have to start grouping sites by their home country, for those concerned with international shipping.)



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Re: Bras, Bathing Suits and Lingerie
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2006, 10:35:24 AM »
W00t!  Bold_Dude is on a roll!  An update/clarification on Keisha's chosen bra resource, a collection of observations regarding a small handful (no pun intended) of bra makers.  Inspired by this, I did some searches against CyberPlainsDrifter, as I recall he has had good comments in the past.  This led to rediscovering that derf79 was looking to design a better bra and rtpoe's reference to the Bioform Bra, as well as Suzanne's prior comments on the different bra requirements of natural vs. implanted breasts.

(1) Formerly www.plussizebras.org. Thought to be defunct, it seems all they did was shift from .org to .info.  If you think all bra sizes are created equal, think again and visit this site.  An excellent reference, and a great rediscovery by Bold_Dude.

(2) This is the US site.  For international orders, go to the UK site:  www.figleaves.com/uk/ .  JoanElaine mentioned that Figleaves have larger sizes not listed on their website.

(3) Per Antoinette:  "Ebay in general is a great place to shop for large size bras. Just put in your size....example....36H bra....and it pulls up a bunch of auctions. You can get some gorgeous bras on there in huge sizes. I've already ordered a few from there and from Figleaves (I know you've already mentioned Figleaves in the links)....gorgeous bras and for amazing deals on Ebay."

(4) Per Bold_Dude:  "I also maintain a list of online retailers who deal in large sizes. They each have their pros and cons, such as the brands/sizes carried, or how crappy their sizing chart is. Figleaves.com, for example, is under the mistaken impression that US bra makers use the UK lots-of-double-letters system (which also skips cup sizes I and II). This is untrue. US makers will sometimes use some odd scales, but none in my experience matches the UK standard. Some British sites will only have a chart which goes up to FF, even though they sell sizes up to the mighty JJ. Or they will fail to make it clear that K and L cup bras they carry are American, and thus not actually larger than a JJ. Silly stuff like that. The Big Bra Shop (www.thebigbrashop.com) is just such a British site. Their claim to fame, however, is that they carry bras up to an incredible 46JJ, while the largest I've seen elsewhere is 40JJ-- and even that's hard to find."

(5) Per Bold_Dude:  "Traditional Lingerie (www.traditionallingerie.co.uk) is a UK site with a poor user interface, but a decent UK size guide and selection. Finding what you're looking for is only easy, if you already know what you want. They do sell a large number of brands, including Silhouette (up to 40JJ, not that the site search will find that size for you). Prices aren't bad."

(6) Per Bold_Dude:  "Snares of Venus (www.snaresofvenus.com) is American, and makes custom bras from measurements. Quite a few measurements, in fact."  Apparently they did one for Keisha Evans;  here is how that worked out for her.  Keisha also references Sheer Fantasy.

(7) Formerly Sheer Fantasy.

(8) Per Bold_Dude:  "Gallery Serpentine (www.galleryserpentine.com.au) does corsets, and was recommended by a couple of Australian ladies, on a busty support forum somewhere. As I recall, they had good luck with the 'Edwardian' and 'Victorian' overbust corsets, using them for daily support."

(9) Suzanne is no longer in the larger cup size bras/lingerie business.  She has, however, passed the torch on to Claire de Lune.

General comments:
  • In general, finding an online bra/bathing suit site which caters to the larger cup sizes is more common in the UK, which means having to deal with extra shipping and customs tariffs if you live outside of the UK.
  • Fantasie bras (in particular their Belle 6001 style) seems to be a consistent winner.
  • AOE bras seems to be another winner.  If anyone can confirm/refute this, please drop me a note.
  • Lady Cameo appears to be a solid choice as well.
  • Bravissimo appears to have incorrect bra sizing (ie, smaller than advertised) as well.
  • Sheer Fantasy has had some positive comments.
  • The "shelf" style bra is way, way more supportive & comfortable than any underwire or pseudo-underwire bra.
  • derf79 indicated efforts/interest in redesigning the bra.  No word on progress to date, but his contact info is in the link, if you'd like to help out.
  • The Bioform Bra deserves an honourable mention, although no word on whether this is available in the larger cup sizes.
  • Per Suzanne:  "Also girls with implants v. naturally large breasts differ in how the breast fits in the cup of the bra. It all has to do with the shape of the breast. Natural breasts tend to not be as full and "hang" at the larger sizes. Implants will generally be more rounded on the sides and top. But how much breast tissue the girl starts with has an impact on the overall shape as well. Depending on how deep or shallow the cup of the bra has an effect on how the breast fits into it. This is by no means an "always" fact but after sizing as many girls with implants as I have and natural breasts there are bras that fit one type better than another. Chantelle and LeMystere fit breasts with implants better than Eveden. Again, not always an absolute."
  • Per CyberPlainsDrifter:  "Once a woman gets past a DD or so, the choices in bra styles drop off drastically. Once she gets past H or so, the choices in bras of that size drop off even more. Once she's past J or JJ, the bra choices are less than 3." ... "Large size push up bras simply don't exist for a couple of reasons. 1) Very few women w/ H cup or bigger sized natural breasts want to emphasize them... most try their darndest to hide them. 2) Natural breasts that big generally won't stay in a push up bra. The push up bra pushes the breasts up & in. If you push an H cup breast up & in, its tends to go up, in & then out over the top w/ not a lot of help. If you do that w/ a K cup breast, it simply flows out of the cup as soon as she moves. Its not a question of style, but a question of physics. Breasts that big are generally soft & pillowy. They are gonna take the path of least resistance. Implanted breasts that big can get away w/ exposing more w/o fear of falling out simply because the implant has a kind of built in "bra" in the lining of the implant. Not so w/ natural breasts."



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Re: Surgeons
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2006, 12:00:46 PM »
Big news today:  It's official!  Per an e-mail I received from Suzanne, Dr Baeke has officially passed the torch to Dr Domanskis.  Read on for details.

This list is by no means guaranteed to be comprehensive.  If you have another surgeon you'd like me to add to the list, PM me and I'll update accordingly.  I'll give you credit for the find, of course, unless you'd prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Dr Yermian did Vixen Lamoore's work (and according to a 2005 post from Vixen, he's not having any issues getting the larger implants)
  • Dr Domanskis did Antoinette's amazing boobjob.  Also see below for more info, as it seems he may be The One to carry on where Dr Baeke left off.
  • Dr Sonntag did XXXena's work
  • Dr Baeke (formerly www.beautifulbreasts.com) did Keisha Evans' work (as well as the work of a couple of other BEA members).  Per an e-mail I received from Suzanne, Dr Domanskis has met with Dr Baeke to exchange professional knowledge.  Not restricted to just surgical skills; the meeting included a discussion of contacts and processes/procedures he needs to know in order to best deal with Eurosilicone, facilitating the import of larger implants, the FDA, etc.  Dr Domanskis also knows he can contact Dr Baeke at any time with questions or further explanation.  So for women who had considered (or been a patient of) Dr Baeke in the past, or women considering larger-than-domestic implants, it seems Dr Domanskis is now the official steward of such things.



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Re: Surgeons
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2006, 12:36:57 PM »
I recently realized that I haven't posted the links to the new(ish) wiki pages tracking plastic surgery and bras:

http://www.(prohibited O).com/wiki/plastic_surgery
http://www.(prohibited O).com/wiki/bras

If you have an update, send me a PM and/or join the site and make the update yourself.

Master "just sharing the wealth" Dragonfly



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Re: Breast Augmentation Resources FAQ
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2009, 08:22:49 AM »
Hi, I am new to the forum, but have some information that may save some of you valuable time and energy. Beginning in 2000 I spent 3+ years trying to find a doctor who could assist me with getting larger implants. I finally found one and to date, I have had 12 surgeries, some major and some minor (local or no anesthetic). The start of my large implant process began about 5 years ago when I had Becker implants put in. Prior to this I was a 34DD (I had had a bad implant surgery in 1999, naturally I was only a 34B). I hated the way I looked and new I needed surgery to correct the problem, but at the same time I wanted to go larger. I weighed my options and came across Becker implants. Becker implants allow the doctor to fill the implant 100cc at a time through a valve that is implanted just under the skin near your armpit. It is outpatient surgery and can be done in about 15 minutes. I continued to have periodic fills, about 1 fill every 2-3 months, until I had reached my desired size. I currently have 1750cc implants, which is perfect for my 5'9" 140lb frame. So, this past week, I finally had the valves removed. This was a simple 30 minute surgery, I was awake and it was virtually painless. The valves are only supposed to be in for 6-12 months, not 4+ years. So I am certainly not recommending anyone do what I did. The only excuse for my delay was because I was hoping to find 100% silicone implants that were 1750cc so I could swap out my Beckers. So instead of having 2 surgeries (one to remove the valve and one to swap the implants) I was hoping to just have one. I did find 2000cc silicone implants (which was close enough for me) and bought them, but after multiple surgeries, I came to the conclusion that I did not want to push my luck with another major operation. I like my 1750cc Beckers, they look great and feel even better. As anyone who has had multiple surgeries will tell you, the risk involved can be quite high when you are dealing with multiple surgeries and extra large implants. Please note that the only way I qualified for Becker implants was because I had a botched breast aug previously and in order to get my breasts back to a semi-natural looking state, my doctor had to petition the FDA to allow me to get these larger implants. It is not a terribly long process, but I don't know if the rules have changed since we applied with the FDA 5 years ago. Anyway, my doctor is on MasterDragonfly's list, Dr. Alexander Sinclair. He helped me when it seemed like no one else would. I am open and willing to talk to anyone who may have questions. So please do not hesitate to ask. Sorry for the ridiculously long post, but my story is not easily explained :)



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Re: Breast Augmentation Resources FAQ
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2009, 10:23:09 PM »
Hi 34GG, and welcome!  Great first post!

When you say Becker implants, it sounds like you've described post-operatively adjustable implants.

Typically when someone mentions Becker implants, they're referring to the double-lumens (a saline bladder inside of a silicone implant).  I believe these are post-operatively adjustable as well, but ignoring the silicone gel component for the moment, they aren't the only option for going the post-op adjustable route.  Do you know offhand whether your Beckers were the double-lumen variety?

Would you happen to have the particulars regarding your Beckers?  Such as the exact catalogue number?  What was the rated fill volume?  A link would be even better.  :)

A passing comment:  I've heard in the past that there are surgeons who will avoid using the Becker double-lumens, as apparently they have a bit of a higher rate of failure at the fill valve.  Given the longevity of yours, you seem to have provided with compelling evidence as to their reliability.  Granted, a single patient doesn't make for a huge statistical swing, but as you yourself mention, you had the fill tubes in for longer than recommended.  Definitely worth mentioning.

I would be particularly keen to hear whether yours are double-lumens.  I know I've had a discussion with at least one person in the past, wondering whether significant overfill would cause any sort of odd distortion issues.

I'm surprised you opted to stick with the Beckers and not switch to the silicone gel implants.  Btw, are those silicone gels the cohesive gel variety?  Low, mid or high profile?  If cohesive gel, you get the automatic benefit of not noticing if you ever experience implant shell failure (which won't be the case with saline).  You're at 1750cc, and 2000cc is only 250cc away, a volumetric increase of 14.3%.  You should try taking 2 balloons, fill one to 1750cc, fill the other to 2000cc and take note of the modest increase.

Check out the chart here (based on half spheres, which isn't a perfect representation of breast implants):


Anyway, I've updated Dr Sinclair's page on my site.  Let me know if it's reasonably accurate, or if you'd like any other helpful changes:




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Re: Breast Augmentation Resources FAQ
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2009, 10:52:11 PM »
Welcome to the BEA forum, you'll fit right on in here i assure you..
You may wish to start a new thread with this great introduction as your story is an interesting one indeed.