It's the next morning and I don't have a headache and a little bruise where I got hit. My shoulder socket and neck is sore. What hurts the most is my knees when I squat down or get up, and my left 2 fingers and my right wrist. My wrist falls asleep if I bend it in position for too long. It was a 2000 Ford Ranger and he had a GF with him and wasn't paying attention. He didn't know he hit me until he heard it. I swear I thought that was it, and I was going to join once again with my cats from my youth.
I am so glad I don't have a headache. I can take broken bone over being stupid with brain damage.
I shivered in the middle of the night so I know it must have been a pretty hard hit. I am okay now and I lived, and I think the tai chi keeping the tendons and ligaments strong may have help me from being very hurt. The stitches in my forehead looks pretty good, with very little bruises.
I did all the right thing, I had my reflective pants, jacket, gloves for bike on and my helmet, and also fresh battery in my lights for the front and the flashing red lights for the rear. I have a bright yellow bike jacket.
The guy needs a new grill on his Ford Ranger, the police said that they can see a full body impression on the front end. I think the distribution of my body is what saved me from being badly hurt. Instead of hitting the vehicle back, I became one with the vehicle.
3D"Ford Ranger"Eroticer