

  • Oh My God Cup
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    • CyberLee
Like being hit with a truck!
« on: January 04, 2007, 12:39:20 PM »
 It's the next morning and I don't have a headache and a little bruise where I got hit. My shoulder socket and neck is sore. What hurts the most is my knees when I squat down or get up, and my left 2 fingers and my right wrist. My wrist falls asleep if I bend it in position for too long. It was a 2000 Ford Ranger and he had a GF with him and wasn't paying attention. He didn't know he hit me until he heard it. I swear I thought that was it, and I was going to join once again with my cats from my youth.

     I am so glad I don't have a headache. I can take broken bone over being stupid with brain damage.
I shivered in the middle of the night so I know it must have been a pretty hard hit. I am okay now and I lived, and I think the tai chi keeping the tendons and ligaments strong may have help me from being very hurt. The stitches in my forehead looks pretty good, with very little bruises.

   I did all the right thing, I had my reflective pants, jacket, gloves for bike on and my helmet, and also fresh battery in my lights for the front and the flashing red lights for the rear. I have a bright yellow bike jacket.

   The guy needs a new grill on his Ford Ranger, the police said that they can see a full body impression on the front end. I think the distribution of my body is what saved me from being badly hurt. Instead of hitting the vehicle back, I became one with the vehicle.

3D"Ford Ranger"Eroticer
"Yesterday, Reince Priebus called this whole story a 'nothing burger,'" he said. "Well these emails have turned it into an all-you-can-prosecute buffet."



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Re: Like being hit with a truck!
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 04:52:21 PM »
Wow ... you're a lucky sob ... glad you're still with us ...

-Munch "now you've got bragging rights, you can say you are 'Built Ford Tough'" Wolf



  • ZZZ Cup
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Re: Like being hit with a truck!
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2007, 07:37:41 PM »
Thank God you're OK. I guess now you know what a deer feels like when hit by a moving vehicle. Good thing you didn't get hit by a F-250 or F-350 or you'd be road pizza. Get well and vaya con Dios.



  • P Cup
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Re: Like being hit with a truck!
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2007, 07:50:45 PM »
Good thing you just got your bell rung and not cracked!

How many fingers am I holding up?



  • Oh My God Cup
  • 8646
    • CyberLee
Re: Like being hit with a truck!
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2007, 02:33:41 AM »
Isn't a Ford Ranger tougher than Texas Ranger?

I'm just asking if I can move up my bragging rights.
"Yesterday, Reince Priebus called this whole story a 'nothing burger,'" he said. "Well these emails have turned it into an all-you-can-prosecute buffet."



  • X Cup
  • 3236
Re: Like being hit with a truck!
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2007, 03:49:58 AM »

You do indeed have my sympathies.  I myself was hit by a car while crossing a street.  I was luckier than you I think I SAW the car right before it hit me and jumped up and at it.

Result, I went across the hood, bounced off the windshield, spun off to the side away from trafic, landed on my back, got up and walked away.  Scared the living hell out of the damn driver.  She also was not paying attention as she pulled out of the parking lot she was in, so she was not going very fast.

I hurt like hell for several days after that.  20 years ago.  No way could I get up that fast today.

I know where you are and it sucks major.

If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics SUCK!

My DVD   http://mightyo.site.aplus.net/ussclamagoretourdvd.com/



  • L Cup
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Re: Like being hit with a truck!
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2007, 04:33:47 AM »
Glad you're still with us. Unfortunately, you'll still be sore as hell for several days. Fortunately, you're still upright and taking nourishment. Take care.
"All religions seem to dislike breasts, but it's just the opposite with me." - Eric Idle



  • Oh My God Cup
  • 8646
    • CyberLee
front damage goods
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2007, 11:39:48 PM »
warning if you get dizzy looking at blood!

When I am done with the look think of Sly Stallone.
"Yesterday, Reince Priebus called this whole story a 'nothing burger,'" he said. "Well these emails have turned it into an all-you-can-prosecute buffet."



  • X Cup
  • 3236
Re: front damage goods
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2007, 03:07:02 AM »
"YO Adrian!

Coulds you get someone to stopp ringin tha bell"

Not bad.

If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics SUCK!

My DVD   http://mightyo.site.aplus.net/ussclamagoretourdvd.com/



  • Oh My God Cup
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    • CyberLee
Re: front damage goods
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2007, 04:12:45 PM »
"Cut me! cut me! so I can more boobs!"
"Yesterday, Reince Priebus called this whole story a 'nothing burger,'" he said. "Well these emails have turned it into an all-you-can-prosecute buffet."



  • Z Cup
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Re: front damage goods
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2007, 10:24:18 PM »

It's a good thing you're so thick-headed. *le smirk*
To paraphrase Poul Anderson, "Intelligence is a wonderful thing. It provides us with reasons for doing what we were going to do anyway."

notty's breast augmentation thread



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Re: Like being hit with a truck!
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2007, 07:21:22 AM »
Damn I am SO glad that bastard didn't kill you and that you're ok.

I think you're correct in your deductions on why you made it My prayers go with you for a speedy recovery on what injuries you do have.



  • Oh My God Cup
  • 8646
    • CyberLee
Re: Like being hit with a truck!
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2007, 02:40:31 PM »
Thank you all for your prayers. I am almost done with the last month of back crackin and getting most of my neck movement back. The internal bleeding is almost nill and they don't know where it is, but they don't seem concern about it as it is getting less and less. The last test showed no sign of infection.

My scar is nill. My friend who is a massage therapist told me that anytime I get a deep cut in the skin to gently massage it while it heal to break up scar tissue and lesion to the skin. I think it work pretty good on my eye brow cut.

I am back to working out pretty hard, and I love my new recumbent bike. So All is well with me. I am still waiting to replace my hearing aids, and I am going bonker in giving up socializing.
"Yesterday, Reince Priebus called this whole story a 'nothing burger,'" he said. "Well these emails have turned it into an all-you-can-prosecute buffet."