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Vixen was in a bad accident
« on: November 04, 2007, 12:10:02 PM »
I was just cruising her forum and i read this message:

This is not Vixen.
I am her neighbor, and I do not have My own membership to her forum here, so I was told to use her's.
Her mother has asked me to write to her fans.

I am very sad to report that Vixen was involved in a terrible accident 2 days ago.

Vixen ran into a wire cable gate while riding her 4 wheel motor cycle, and was thrown from her bike. The cable caught her right across her neck, causing very serious damage.

She is alive. In the past couple days she has been transfered by air ambulance to three major trauma canters, in an attempt to find the best specialists for her. She is on a breathing machine, and is mostly **61**.

My wife and I were the first to find Vixen. She was **61** and bleeding very badly. Her wounds went all the way into her windpipe., and voice box.

Vixen's mother has told me that her fans are very important to her. , and that you should know this news
I can say that Vixen is the kindest, and most thoughtful young lady that I have ever known. She works so hard at trying to make everyone around her happy. I know that she just went through a year long fight with medical problems. The poor young lady certainly does not deserve this.

None of the doctors have updated Vixen's mother on what can be done for Vixen yet. Someone here, or Vixen's family will update you when news comes.

We all hope Vixen returns home. If you would like to mail her a get well message, or a card I'm told you all know her mailing address.

Be assured that everything that can be done for Vixen is being done.
Her family is with her.

i hope this is not real, if it is I hope we can all send her  our good wishes, and hope she recovers.

Agent "very sad" Dee
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Special Agent: Dee
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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2007, 01:00:03 PM »
You know, we admire her exuberance, but the girl really has to  take the best care of herself.  I'm already torn over motorcycles -- cool and efficient, but their safety statistics are against them -- and this doesn't help.

Then again, I'm a homebody at heart, and if I lived in that cool castle of hers I might never come out -- especially if she was in it.

Anyhow -- thanks, AgentDee, and take a bow down at the M thread while you're at it.  She's in my thoughts this Sunday, and I'll take a look at her site.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2007, 04:02:29 PM »
Please let her come back from this.

This is too much to put her through after last year.

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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2007, 06:51:47 PM »
I ask everyone here to keep Vixen in your thoughts and prayers  as I too will be praying seriously for Vixen. My God be with Vixen and her family in this time of need.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2007, 01:51:35 AM »
Damn, she's one unlucky son-of-a-gun ... but she's a tough cookie, she'll pull though, right?

What's better than one woman having really large implants?... a forum full of them ^_^



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2007, 02:20:02 AM »

G_I_John said:
Damn, she's one unlucky son-of-a-gun

Damn right dude. I hope she pulls through this one.

Mind you I'm worried that no doc will work on her because of her implants, or use this incident as an "excuse" to tell her to get a reduction.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2007, 02:36:38 AM »
I hope she'll be okay. My heart goes out to her and her family.
I mean, fuck.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2007, 09:35:38 AM »
This is terrible news. My prayers go out to her.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2007, 11:20:35 AM »
My prayers go out to this woman.
This is very sad news for all of us.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2007, 11:26:09 AM »
Oh, that poor kid. I hope she recovers quickly and completely. She's been through enough already, and she's always thinking of helping others. As much as it's cliched, thoughts and prayers go from my family to hers.

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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2007, 04:25:24 PM »
Jeez, I'm mortified.
Call me Bob.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2007, 04:42:57 PM »

Starscream said:

G_I_John said:
Damn, she's one unlucky son-of-a-gun

Damn right dude. I hope she pulls through this one.

Mind you I'm worried that no doc will work on her because of her implants, or use this incident as an "excuse" to tell her to get a reduction.

I was keeping my silence until this point, but...

You do realize that this is an incredibly selfish, stupid, and self-serving statement, right?

1) If nobody offered Vixen medical care because of her implants, she'd be dead.

2) The point of this exercise is not the fact that she'll "come back", the fact is, quite bluntly, that if this is legitimate, that she *survives*.

3) Understand something - if it means saving Vixen's life, those implants are coming out.  

Couple of things to understand here.  

- Chances are excellent that Vixen's career is probably over.  That's the first thing you should realize.  If she comes back, great.  But the odds are, she's done.

- If Vixen had a massive throat/neck trauma that went deep enough to the larynx, she probably took damage to the carotid sheath, which means she was bleeding out.  A similar injury happened to Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy, and he stroked out from the incident, which led to the majority of his physical trauma.  Roy had assistance almost instantly, Vixen did not.

- There's a very good chance of a neck/spine injury from this accident.

-Vixen may also have sustained injuries not just from the trauma to the neck, but also from being thrown from the bike.  If you're so concerned about her implants, she'd probably land on her back from such an impact, but landing on huge implants from a 30 MPH+ motorcycle?  Pop.  Pop.

Stop focusing on her "coming back", because I would assume that she's not.  Focus on her healing.  And stop muttering about the implants, fool.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2007, 04:48:48 PM »

Angelus said:

Starscream said:

G_I_John said:
Damn, she's one unlucky son-of-a-gun

Damn right dude. I hope she pulls through this one.

Mind you I'm worried that no doc will work on her because of her implants, or use this incident as an "excuse" to tell her to get a reduction.

I was keeping my silence until this point, but...

You do realize that this is an incredibly selfish, stupid, and self-serving statement, right?

1) If nobody offered Vixen medical care because of her implants, she'd be dead.

2) The point of this exercise is not the fact that she'll "come back", the fact is, quite bluntly, that if this is legitimate, that she *survives*.

3) Understand something - if it means saving Vixen's life, those implants are coming out.  

Couple of things to understand here.  

- Chances are excellent that Vixen's career is probably over.  That's the first thing you should realize.  If she comes back, great.  But the odds are, she's done.

- If Vixen had a massive throat/neck trauma that went deep enough to the larynx, she probably took damage to the carotid sheath, which means she was bleeding out.  A similar injury happened to Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy, and he stroked out from the incident, which led to the majority of his physical trauma.  Roy had assistance almost instantly, Vixen did not.

- There's a very good chance of a neck/spine injury from this accident.

-Vixen may also have sustained injuries not just from the trauma to the neck, but also from being thrown from the bike.  If you're so concerned about her implants, she'd probably land on her back from such an impact, but landing on huge implants from a 30 MPH+ motorcycle?  Pop.  Pop.

Stop focusing on her "coming back", because I would assume that she's not.  Focus on her healing.  And stop muttering about the implants, fool.

Your conjecture always stretches to the outermost negative outcomes in any given situation.  To top that off, I get the impression you enjoy it.

Angelus, you are one sick fuck.
How would a girl with huge boobs ever know if she's truly interesting?



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2007, 04:55:01 PM »

espy said:

Your conjecture always stretches to the outermost negative outcomes in any given situation.  To top that off, I get the impression you enjoy it.

Angelus, you are one sick fuck.


The fact of the matter is, negative projections helps lower expectations so the euphoria is that much higher in the end result.  

People thought Kevin Everett was going to be a quadriplegic.  Look how that turned out.

You're failing to see the point.  Somebody was thinking with their dick being concerned for Vixen's fucking implants, when the simple fact of the matter is that she has to SURVIVE this first and foremost.

I've had some experience with motorcycle accidents.  They aren't pretty.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2007, 05:02:07 PM »
I request that there be no infighting right now.

If so take it outside.  Neutral corners everyone.

We can only wait for news of her condition.

If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics SUCK!

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