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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2007, 08:01:16 PM »
I wish I hadn't looked.  I couldn't tell if that was a smile or not...

I guess it goes without saying not only was 2007 a very horrible year for her, but perhaps her career is over, too?  I seriously hope not.

Get well soon.  Hospital food tastes better warm...
(sorry, little hospital humor there)
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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2007, 10:21:40 PM »
All things considered, she looks like she is doing very well actually.

GRANTED, you cannot see the extent of her injuries because of the neck brace, but from the rather horrific description that was initially posted, she is looking really really good right now.

As for me, I will continue to be the fool who gives the fools hope for a quick recovery. But barring that, I will settle for a full recovery too.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #32 on: November 09, 2007, 12:22:34 PM »
This just posted by Vixen's neighbor

"This is not Vixen.
I'm her neighbor, here at the forgotten castle, feeding her cats, and checking up on the place for her. All's well.

I have heard some updates on Vixen's condition. Might be old news, but I'm sure all her friends will want to hear everything that there is to know about her.

She is out of SICU, and is getting her care in a "Nursing trauma unit". That's an improvement.

She is off the breathing machine, and is breathing on her own.

The doctors did allot of work on her neck. She will be healing for 2 to 4 months.
I know Vixen will not be able to speak at all for several months, but after that I haven't heard anything. she has a trach at the base of her neck, and a feeding tube.
Two days ago she began physical therapy, and is walking!
She may be released to return home, possibly as soon as the middle of next week. If everything continues to improve.

I found out that Vixen was put on a "**29** BLOCKING list", that's why nothing can be sent to her at her hospital. Which is probably best.

Our local Blocksburg post office is holding everything mailed to Vixen Lamoore, and that is the best was to get anything to her. She be home soon.
Vixen has already received so much from friends, and professional colleagues from around the world. Just like all us locals already knew, Vixen is one of the kindest ladies you could ever meet.
I have never met anyone who tries as much as she does, to make everyone around her happy.
I have only seen her bright, positive, and playful. Never a bad word about anyone. A true joy.

I'm sure more news will be forthcoming. I believe her Mother will be updating soon."



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #33 on: November 09, 2007, 03:21:02 PM »
And another bit was added.
I forgot that I was suppose to report that Vixen will be able to return to her modeling career.
There was no damage to her body aside from the very serious trauma to her neck area.
She even has all ten long finger nails.
Her unusual figure is causing allot of excitement at her hospital.

Imagine that Vixen caused excitement.  WELL DUUHH!!

Now we can try to wipe the ICU pic from our minds.

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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2007, 04:02:28 PM »
She can breathe, she can walk, and she's heading home.

It is thanksgiving season indeed.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #35 on: November 09, 2007, 06:15:17 PM »

That is some great news on Vixen's progess



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #36 on: November 09, 2007, 06:16:21 PM »
I've been following this thread since MunchWolf mentioned it to me on Sunday when we first met up.  I hadn't been on my computer that day, so wasn't up to date on things.

The initial news sounded extremely bad with a fairly bad prognosis.

But after seeing her pic (which I was reluctant to check), I'll admit she was looking far better than expected.  Obviously not puppydogs and rainbows, but WAY better than I was expecting.

And to hear about the positive aspects of her recovery, I've become cautiously optimistic.

Sending good thoughts your way, Vixen.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2007, 11:42:55 PM »
I hate to sound like a scratched vinyl record but I could probably repeat everything MD just said word for word.

I didn't hear about Vixen's accident until a few days ago.  Very distressing news, indeed, what with the health problems she's already had to deal with this year.  The news of injury to one of her vertebrae made me cringe.

To now hear that her condition has stabilized, plus the fact that she is already starting walking again is simply great news.  The rehabilitation will be a long road but it is a major relief knowing that she has a good chance of regaining full mobility.
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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #38 on: November 10, 2007, 02:04:59 AM »
Count me among those who actually found the ICU pic a MAJOR relief...I was prepared for, like, a sight worse than death. She looks fuckin GREAT for what she's been through. God, what a trouper. I'm amazed to hear that aside from her neck she seems basically unharmed anyplace else...things now sound a lot better than they did a few days ago. Color me especially shocked that she's able and willing to return to modeling, on top of all that. I never expected that, and thought we should all just be grateful she'd survived. Everything beyond that is icing.


Cutter said:
Her unusual figure is causing allot of excitement at her hospital.

Now that I know we're out of the woods, I gotta say that's a pretty fucking hysterical thing to think about. I just bet. I just bet.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2007, 08:37:26 AM »
Thanks to everybody who has been keeping us in the loop. Prayers and warm wishes have been heading her way from here since I found the thread early in the week.
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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2007, 03:16:44 PM »
you know, the thing in life is that it sucks that the only thing you can do when someone you like or someone who is close to you gets hurt is wait wait and send well wishes and pray and wait even more

Wishing all the best for our favorite aspiring young big boob superstar and her family.



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #41 on: November 11, 2007, 05:36:45 PM »
Next update on Vixen Watch:

This is not Vixen.
I had hoped not to type on Vixen's computer this many times.

Vixen has some continuing serious medical problems.

Her lungs are developing mucus, which must be evacuated by a trained nurse.

She has a couple machines that she must have. A trach mister, and a suction pump.

Vixen's "number two vertebra" is fractured, and some of her main neck ligaments have pulled off the base of her skull.

Friday her feeding tube which went through her nose was replaced by a semi-permanent feeding tube in her abdomen.
This new operation is giving her pain, and has postponed her physical therapy. She will not eat solid foods for several months.

Vixen has a stint placed in her esophagus, and larynx. She will have another operation in several months to remove the stint. It is at that time they will find if her ability to talk will return.

Vixen has a plastic trach at the base of her neck that must be changed daily. This is how she breathes.

There is some question of if Vixen can be released from the hospital without in home nursing care.

Our entire community out here knows about Vixen's accident. She's a very special, kind, and giving personality. I know everyone really cares about her. Vixen never put on any "act", she would just openly share her life with everyone. What you saw, is what you got. She is truly secure and happy with who she is.
Poor thing. Everyone out here hopes she gets back to the life she enjoyed so much as soon as possible.

Everything from her fans is being forwarded to her from her Blocksburg mailing address.

This is what I have been told. Do not send Vixen Medical donations. Do not organize medical fund raisers.

The medical costs from her accident are beyond the ability for anyone to make even the smallest dent in.

Her family is attempting to apply for financial assistance through State, and county agencies.
Medical donations will only lessen her chances of receiving full coverage.

(sentence removed)

Vixen is aware of the out pouring of concern for her. Knowing that you all are pulling for her, is an important part of her recovery.

Now this is just a transfer of information, not a request for anything.  I hope I haven't done a violation boo-boo.

 You quoted a minor rule violation, but I've removed it.  The BEA's owner no longer permits any sort of requests for money gifts or donations here --even small ones-- and we can't make exceptions.  We wish Vixen a complete and speedy recovery, of course, but please discuss financial aspects of it elsewhere.  Thanks.

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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #42 on: November 11, 2007, 07:54:13 PM »



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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2007, 05:28:22 PM »
That was one of my concern in being bed ridden and mucus building up in the lungs. With the machine hookup she has lesson her ability to breath hard enough to clear her lungs. Trying going a whole day without coughing, and you know what she is going thru. Some can call me crazy, as some will anyway, but a vigilance in prayer is really needed for her. I believe in the power of prayers. I would want that for me if I ever get into something that I can't walk away from.
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Re: Vixen was in a bad accident
« Reply #44 on: November 13, 2007, 05:16:12 PM »
Normally I wouldn't merit prayer worth much, but in this instance it couldn't hurt.
Call me Bob.