I was born and raised in Western Pennsylvania and my handwriting has always been lousy.
In 1992 I was in an industrial accident which took off the top of my left thumb and broke my index knuckle along with other damage to my left hand. I am left handed so this was really a lousy thing to happen to me.
After I healed up my handwriting was even worse as about the only thing I can write legibly is my name.
Learning how to type was a skill I had before the accident and it did not affect my grammar.
The way I feel about all of this discussed in this thread is that if you participate here .... or any type of forum for that matter, then you are doing great.

I am sure my feeble atempts at speaking Tagalog, Japanese, Vietnamese and even Spanish have caused those who are of that nationality some fun at my expense!

And that it has been over 20 years since I have been to those countries I am sure my pronunciation of those foreign words has also deteriorated over time.
If anyone attacks anyone else on here or anywhere else for there lack of proper grammar then they need to get a life and quit displaying their own ignorance.
Understand I am not singling anyone out though, but we all are on this site for one reason.... we like big breasts.
That being said let's move on and enjoy the view.