Thanks... just to clarify, discussion about artwork by Otis or Duncan appearing in Score is more than welcome, and encouraged. That what Forums are all about: conversation. Just please don't post Score copyrighted material (photos and artwork) anywhere at the BEA due to liability issues of concern to both the owner of this site and to the Score Group itself. This also means no posting of links to outside sites for this copyrighted material either. And finally, since this stuff can't be posted here, please let's not have any requests for it... it's only bound to cause problems.
BTW... the other mods and I spent many, many man-hours purging the MG archive of all such materials some months ago.... you won't find any of those artworks there. Though I don't know for sure, I wouldn't be surprised if an archive of those artworks weren't available from Score's own site in some fashion, and available to anyone with a membership there.