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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2010, 04:01:45 PM »
Rumors are flying that the new product announcement on Wednesday will also feature the official end of the exclusivity agreement to carry the iPhone on AT&T in the US. I personally hope they come on to T-Mobile, but the smart money seems to be on Verizon getting the deal.

Mashable: "iPhone May Leave AT&T Exclusivity Wednesday [Rumor]"
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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2010, 05:28:15 PM »
Electronista: "IDC: Android to overtake iPhone, Blackberry by 2013"

"Android will rise to be the second most used mobile OS in the world by 2013, according to a new IDC estimate. Analysts still expect Symbian to hold on to its lead but that Google's OS will have grown 100 times larger since starting off in 2008, reaching 68 million phones three years from today. The prediction doesn't immediately gauge the position of BlackBerry, iPhone or Windows Mobile but expects all three to be eclipsed.

The upset would come about as a virtue of the Android ecosystem. As more companies start making Android phones, the platform should become the default choice for those who aren't making their own operating systems and will replace both Linux and Windows Mobile in these areas. Apple and RIM are the only manufacturers for their platforms and limit their exposure as a result.

Nokia's security, meanwhile, should come from its established dominance in areas outside of North America. Linux and webOS are the only major platforms expected to struggle, as the former will likely lose out to Android while webOS' relatively limited availability could hurt, even as it grows overall.

Android remained small for most of its first year but has rapidly grown through late 2009 and early 2010 as companies like Acer, Dell, LG, Motorola, Samsung and Sony Ericsson have all launched their own phones using the software. In some cases, companies have either started off using Android for their first smartphones or even replaced some if not all of their Linux and Windows Mobile devices with the more modern, open OS."
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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2010, 08:03:53 PM »
I have no personal stake in the matter so don't care, but IDC's "Android to surpass iPhone and Blackberry by 2013" is merely a prediction/projection of course. It may come to pass, or it may not... certainly, Android is licensed to other manufacturers so it has that advantage (though how many of them will continue to support it over time now that they have to compete with Google itself re: handsets and service remains to be seen). There's a new iPhone out this summer... purportedly not locked to AT&T this time... maybe Verizon. Simply getting better 3G data coverage courtesy of a better network would remove/reduce the single major complaint from iPhone users... to say nothing of whatever attractions might also be part of the new iPhone.



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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2010, 03:08:30 PM »
Another front of the battlefield:

Yahoo! PluggedIn: "Apple vs. Google: The fight for the smartphone gaming crown"
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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2010, 03:17:13 PM »
I like the milestone... I want to get it... I hope it's available in my country :)
"I don't always approve of coup d'état, but when I do, it's by Shara." -LuvDemWhoppers



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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2010, 07:31:03 AM »
so I've been working a windows 6.5 mobile now (no milestone in my country :()... it's not that bad, once you tweak it
"I don't always approve of coup d'état, but when I do, it's by Shara." -LuvDemWhoppers



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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2010, 02:03:03 AM »
This article is on the long side, but I think it makes a good point.

Armed and Dangerous: "Greed kills: Why smartphone lock-in will fail and open source win"
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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2010, 08:31:19 PM »
Some dude walks into a bar, gets **92**, and accidentally leaves behind a prototype of the new iPhone. Sounds like the setup for a joke, but apparently it really happened.

Gizmodo: "This is Apple's Next iPhone -- the iPhone 4"
Gizmodo: "How Apple Lost the Next iPhone"

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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2010, 12:01:20 AM »
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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2010, 03:59:21 AM »
Somewhere someone is singing "Kumbaya" :)

TechnoBuzz: "Download Android OS for iPhone"
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« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 01:37:03 AM by TheZookie007 »
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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2010, 09:32:12 PM »
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Re: The Battle of the Smartphones: iPhone vs. Android
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2010, 05:33:01 PM »
NetworkWorld: "How Android hit the big time in the smartphone OS market"

"Android has officially hit the big time now that sales of its devices exceeded the Apple iPhone over the past quarter.

Android's rise is fairly remarkable for an operating system that only just launched in the fall of 2007. The open-source operating system's success is even more impressive when you consider that when it debuted it was already facing a crowded field of OS heavyweights such as the iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Symbian.

Briefly, a look at the numbers: Over the span of a mere quarter last year, Android saw its share of the U.S. smartphone market more than double, as the platform was used on more than 7% of all U.S. smartphones at the end of 2009. The most recent research released by the NPD Group showed that Android-based phones in the first quarter of 2010 accounted for 28% of all smartphone shipments, trailing only Research in Motion's BlackBerry operating system, which accounted for 36% of all smartphone shipments in the quarter. And finally, Android-based phones are now available on all four major U.S. wireless carriers, with the million-selling Motorola Droid so far serving as the platform's flagship device...."
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