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Limited Edition 'RED' Nintendo Wii for sale
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:11:31 PM »
I got this over the spring, but I just do not play it as much it is a limited edition 25th anniversary of Super Mario Nintendo Wii.  you get the following:

Nintendo Wii console red with removable gray base for having it in the vertical position
1 red Wii remote with removable red silicone sleeve and strap
1 red Wii nun chuck controller
1 sensor bar with optional base
1 power cord
1 AV cord (red white yellow)
box and all the manuals
1 copy of New Super Mario Bros Wii
1 copy of Wii sports

I am also including the following:
1 AV cable with component hook ups (system only goes up to 480p but the colors are more sharp and images more crisp)

I am asking 150 or best offer
NOTE: this is a NTSC system so not sure if PAL games play on it or not

I also have a few games for it:
Donkey King Country Returns (fun game)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (another fun game)
Goldeneye for Wii (with gold controller perfect for playing it or any downloadable NES, SNES, N64 games for the 'virtual console')
Super Mario Bros All Stars (all 3 of the USA released NES era Mario games with the 4th game "lost levels" which was sold as Mario 2 in Japan)

I have no prices on the games as of yet but I am open to offers, the system is in mint condition there are MINOR scuffs on the remote near where the cord plugs in and one scratch on the nun chuck and the outer box has some minor damage, but inner trays are mint.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 06:14:42 PM by AgentDee »
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Chelsea Charms

Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC



  • Boob, James Boob
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    • AgentDee's Youtube Page
Re: Limited Edition 'RED' Nintendo Wii for sale
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2011, 12:42:42 AM »

I am still selling it I am now asking $120 or best offer, games are 12 bucks each, and I am throwing in a new 16 gig SD memory card perfect for game saves or downloading games from the 'virtual console' store.

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Chelsea Charms

Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC



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Re: Limited Edition 'RED' Nintendo Wii for sale
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2011, 09:59:20 AM »
funny how you can't get rid of a wii nowadays and how we had to camp out to get it
"I don't always approve of coup d'état, but when I do, it's by Shara." -LuvDemWhoppers



  • Boob, James Boob
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    • AgentDee's Youtube Page
Re: Limited Edition 'RED' Nintendo Wii for sale
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2012, 05:50:54 PM »
SOLD thanks guys
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"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."
Chelsea Charms

Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC


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Re: Limited Edition 'RED' Nintendo Wii for sale
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2012, 01:03:28 PM »
I hacked mine, put 90 games on it and traded for a 320 gb ps3 slim :)