
Benji Dude

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JayJay - Visions
« on: July 02, 2020, 09:58:55 AM »
Has anyone heard from JayJay (Morpher who did the "Visions" morphs) in the last couple of months? I know they went into hospital mid-May but not heard anything from them since, there's been no posts to his Tumblr page in that time either they're usually pretty active there.

Benji "fearing the worst, hoping for the best" Dude



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Re: JayJay - Visions
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2021, 12:41:12 AM »
Any updates?
AOC, HC, TW, BO, KH: FU. FUATH. 100x.



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Re: JayJay - Visions
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2021, 03:52:48 PM »
Long time not here on this forum:

I stumble  above this on the homepage of famous artist known as MbM aka Morphed by Mic

JayJay and Mic had some "projects" together in the last year, as it looks like on their pages.

Maybe Mic knows what happened. But all I can say is, I fear the worst and I was shocked when I read this:

(On JayJay´s homepage)

[...]i am in hospital and will not be posting for some time.


(and than on MbM homepage)

And make sure to visit this late great fellow artist : jayjay8899.tumblr.com ) R.I.P. my friend...
