

  • Rocket Jock
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  • Game called on account of Naked Chick!
So long, and thanks for all the boobs...
« on: April 08, 2021, 06:30:46 PM »
Well, after more than a decade of happy times on the server, I regretfully must inform you that I am leaving. There's this wonderful young woman in my life now, and, long story short, it's a case of "the things we do for love."

I will always look fondly on my time here, and I will miss you guys.

To the staff: You guys are absolute legends in my eyes. You've kept the BE Archive Forums in (mostly) running order for a very long time, and I salute your hard work.

To Salem... I leave you the Zookie Rebooter Kit. Take good care of him, will ya?  ;)

To everyone else... Be excellent to each other, don't argue with staff, and above all else, remember our creed:

"Big is Good.
Bigger is Better.
Biggest is Best."

Sawyer90, out.
My guide to life: Never argue with idiots, drunks, trolls, or conspiracy nuts. They'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.



  • ZZZ Cup
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Re: So long, and thanks for all the boobs...
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2021, 06:39:56 PM »
Have a good life with the lady, Sawyer.   :)


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  • Old Fart
  • 12192
Re: So long, and thanks for all the boobs...
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2021, 08:38:12 PM »
May you live happily ever after!

Winter teaches us about detachment, numbness.  But it’s a way to get through.  From winter we learn silence and acceptance and the stillness thickens.
-  Gail Barison, The Winter Solstice of my Soul



  • L Cup
  • 53957
Re: So long, and thanks for all the boobs...
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2021, 11:03:58 AM »
I didn't expect to see this today, that's for sure.

But I am happy to hear that you were able to find love and companionship in real life. That's hard to do these days.

Thanks for all the rebootings, it is appreciated.

And we will always leave a light on for you in the window, just in case.

Cheers, Sawyer!
AOC, HC, TW, BO, KH: FU. FUATH. 100x.



  • D Cup
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Re: So long, and thanks for all the boobs...
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2021, 06:22:37 PM »
Not many words, just salutes you!
