
Prof Morearty

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This month's theme, chosen by threeT - one of our ex aequo December winners - is
                Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year
covering any activity associated with welcoming the New Year: fireworks, champagne, playing with clock or calendar, or any celebratory activity.

The rules are the same as usual:
  • The contest is open until the poll is posted on the 19th of this month, and the winner will be announced on the 26th
  • You can make up to three submissions, but they will be considered separately
  • If you have a specific title you want for your morph, put it in the post and/or as the file name on the picture
  • If you have any questions, issues, or concerns about the contest, massage sic me personally

Good luck!

See past winners and contests here:
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 05:40:30 AM by Prof Morearty »



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Re: BEA MORPH CONTEST January 2017: Busting out in the New Year
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2017, 08:41:17 PM »
Hopefully there will be dozens of beauties BUSTING OUT soon.  :)


Prof Morearty

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Re: BEA MORPH CONTEST January 2017: Busting out in the New Year
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2017, 11:06:13 AM »
I've been having second thoughts about this month's title - not the theme itself, just the title.  The introductory statement does state that any activity related to welcoming the new year is fair game, but some might not notice that (especially when the thread has developed and filled up over the month) and think that only images of babes exploding out of their bras are welcome - and they would be very welcome, but the theme is not restricted to that.  threeT wanted the theme to be open to interpretation and variety.

Fortunately the theme title is not written in stone. So: any ideas for  a better title? 
Some possibilities:

  • Welcoming the New Year
  • Ringing in the New Year
  • Greeting the New Year
  • Breasting the challenges of the New Year
or, borrowing from Shakespeare (Henry V):
  • Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year

Any thoughts or other proposals?  :o




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Re: BEA MORPH CONTEST January 2017: Busting out in the New Year
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2017, 11:21:40 AM »
I've been having second thoughts about this month's title - not the theme itself, just the title.  The introductory statement does state that any activity related to welcoming the new year is fair game, but some might not notice that (especially when the thread has developed and filled up over the month) and think that only images of babes exploding out of their bras are welcome - and they would be very welcome, but the theme is not restricted to that.  threeT wanted the theme to be open to interpretation and variety.

Fortunately the theme title is not written in stone. So: any ideas for  a better title? 
Some possibilities:

  • Welcoming the New Year
  • Ringing in the New Year
  • Greeting the New Year
  • Breasting the challenges of the New Year
or, borrowing from Shakespeare (Henry V):
  • Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year

Any thoughts or other proposals?  :o


Make it simple. All of the above ! :)


Prof Morearty

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Re: BEA MORPH CONTEST January 2017: Busting out in the New Year
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2017, 05:16:42 PM »
So: your suggestion is that the contest title should read

Welcoming/greeting/ringing in/breasting the challenges of/breasting the lofty surge of the New Year?

:o ??? :-X




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Re: BEA MORPH CONTEST January 2017: Busting out in the New Year
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2017, 09:12:24 PM »
So: your suggestion is that the contest title should read

Welcoming/greeting/ringing in/breasting the challenges of/breasting the lofty surge of the New Year?

:o ??? :-X


Ahh .... yup !  ;D  Maximum flexibility, no ?  ;) ;D


Prof Morearty

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Re: MORPH CONTEST Jan. 2017: Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2017, 10:41:23 AM »
Well, there's no need for all of those, any one of them is ambiguous enough to require interpretation and provide flexibility.  So I'm going to go with the Bard:

     Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year




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Re: MORPH CONTEST Jan. 2017: Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2017, 04:10:14 PM »
I'm afraid I got lost during the discussion of the theme of this month's contest.  I think it's about celebrating the New Year.  Anyway, I'm a brand new and inexperienced (as well as artistically challenged)  morpher, but only of Hitomi.  Early in her SCORE career she did a wonderful pictorial and video celebrating New Year -- can't recall the year and I'm too lazy to look it up.  This is a first attempt.  I should note that morphing Hitomi, while great fun, is a bit like gilding a lily.  She often shows up at morph sites unmorphed because, I presume, the poster cannot believe that the photo isn't morphed.  So, here it is, an unworthy attempt....and, yes, it's morphed!  Also, as per the rules, I had to cut and paste the SCORE copyright as the original got warped during the process.
Rortarian here.  I've been a Hitomi Tanaka fan since 2003.  She is the Black Swan, impossible to imagine until you see her!



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Re: MORPH CONTEST Jan. 2017: Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2017, 10:20:51 PM »
Not bad for a first attempt and picking Hitomi as your subject is genius. Please do more !  :)


Prof Morearty

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Re: MORPH CONTEST Jan. 2017: Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2017, 12:33:06 PM »
I'm delighted to welcome you to the BEA morph contest, rortarian2003, and thank you for your first entry, Jan17,NewYearMorph1.  I have posted it in the Users' Gallery, as has become customary here.
I hope you are familiar with the UG: if not, you will find it here:

I ask you to reconsider the title of your entry, perhaps along the lines of Hitomi New Year, so it's not just a shorthand reference to the contest process.  However, the choice of title is up to you.
Also, I'm sorry you found the theme confusing.  I suppose it's my fault for trying to wax literary.  The theme is, as you thought,  quite simply about various means to welcome the New Year.  I'm still wondering whether I should change the theme title to something simpler and more straightforward  ???




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Re: MORPH CONTEST Jan. 2017: Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2017, 03:45:41 PM »
Hi Prof.
No, I wasn't familiar with the User's Gallery so thank you for introducing it to me, it's really nice.
Also, I was being a bit facetious about the contest title -- I think the Shakespearean reference was fun.
I am a bit confused about re-titling my entry although I'm happy to do so; do you want me to rename the photo and re-post or do I re-title the subject line and, if so, do I need to re-post?  Highly technical stuff to me.
Sorry for what I'm sure are elementary questions that I could find the answers to if I poked around.  You've been so responsive I think I'm taking advantage of you and, if so, apologies.
Rortarian here.  I've been a Hitomi Tanaka fan since 2003.  She is the Black Swan, impossible to imagine until you see her!


Prof Morearty

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Re: MORPH CONTEST Jan. 2017: Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2017, 02:53:49 AM »
Hi Prof.
No, I wasn't familiar with the User's Gallery so thank you for introducing it to me, it's really nice.
No problem  :)
Btw, you can post in the UG - up to 5 posts (normally your morphs) per day.  Just click on "upload images" on the left side.
Also, I was being a bit facetious about the contest title -- I think the Shakespearean reference was fun.
No problem  :D
I am a bit confused about re-titling my entry although I'm happy to do so; do you want me to rename the photo and re-post or do I re-title the subject line and, if so, do I need to re-post?
No, "technical" action from your side is not necessary.  The morph you posted can remain as is. When you settle on an alternative title, just post it here: I'll post it under the new title when I make up the poll in two weeks (so no hurry) and that's what people will see when they vote. Once again, no problem  ;D



Captain Nemo

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Re: MORPH CONTEST Jan. 2017: Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2017, 05:20:10 PM »
Happy New Year!

Does Nikki make You pop too?
Please comment
Note: If this post's image is marked as "linked from my morphs thread" you probably cannot see the full image, but you can find it @ (click below):

click here, find the image (usually near the date of this post), click to enlarge, and "download image"



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Re: MORPH CONTEST Jan. 2017: Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2017, 04:44:46 AM »
After the New Year's Eve  :D
Bigger is Better


Prof Morearty

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Re: MORPH CONTEST Jan. 2017: Breasting the lofty surge of the New Year
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2017, 12:28:44 PM »
Great, more entries :D

Thank you, Captain Nemo and CeBe, for Pop! and aftertheparty.  Nikki is ready with more liquid refreshment, but I doubt that Milena is feeling up to quaffing more alcohol right now.  Anyway, both look terrific, and that's what counts  8)

Both of these fine morphs are up in the Users' Gallery.
