Hi all.
My last post in the forum was on December 09, 2005, 06:04:00 PM prior to this return. I am still very much alive.
I doubt any remember me given the years gone by and being a night owl, but I was one of the original lurkers from the early days of the BEArchive (1997/1998 vintage) and joined the forums some time afterwards to finally get involved; I was a regular in the chat and spent a lot of time in Off-Topic and General Discussion.
Then life and my career took off. And thus while not disappearing from the BEA (still checking in at the main site every so often), I dropped right off the forums and chat.
I came back now thanks to a recent hack report that noted a potential risk and took care of the loose end of my account security (nice to see the authentication system stabilized). But from what I've seen in the forums and chat, I think my era is long passed.

I will not promise that I will be a regular again, but I'll drift back from time to time no doubt.
Rock on.