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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2019, 11:47:35 AM »
Thank you Prof Morearty for moving my thread to a better position and for the warm encouragment!

Thank you CeBe for the treat of 4720.  A lovely SlimUltraBusty girl showing off the long "dangle" of her boobies.  I don't know much about the names of glamore models, but it is a fine morph.  Thanks for your particpation both in my new thread and in the DA gallery.  I believe that artists in both BEArchive and Deviantart benefit from widening their audience.

Bombayduk, your observations about nipple placements was an interesting read.  You have some definite thoughts about nipple placement!  You feel that downward pointing nipples signal breasts that maybe have lost their fullness or could be fuller?  That if they were fuller the nipple placement would rise?  And you stated that forward thrusting nipples higher on the breasts are more attractive to you.  Did I get that right?  I have found that there is an amazing amount of opinions about breasts!  (Which gives a girl hope that there is always a man out there who likes her breasts)

I do think the shape of the breasts will influence where the nipples end up, but not always.




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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2019, 11:56:41 AM »
Here is a cute animation of a darling girl with beautiful breasts swaying.  It is by Manigus and here is the link:



Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2019, 05:20:21 PM »
^Every girl should be so blessed.  The world would be a much better place.  And I would likely embarrass myself every time I stood up.



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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2019, 05:53:58 PM »
Dear my Muse, Llelwyn,
I am happy, to see You with Your own thread here.  Congratulations!  ;D
I have something to ask, but, I am not wanting you to misunderstand, so I explain first: I am not angry, or wounded or insulted.  But I like to know, why you did not accept this submission of Alice Goodwin to SlimExtraBusty (but You accepted my morphs of Brigitte B. -- like the morph at bottom of this post -- even when they were coming later).  Alice is certain slim and (special here) extra busty.  Are her enhanced breasts may be too round, "balloony"?  ??? Of course, I understand and accept, that we some times have different tastes, and I certainly am not arguing with Your right to post, what You want.  But, I am wanting to know what Your reasons were, to help me to select contributions in future.  :D
If You answer in time (24 hours), I will remove my morph of Alice here if You want.  After that, my right to delete is expiring, I shall have to ask a moderator.  I shall try to contribute, what you are liking.

Of course I am understanding that You prefer morphs like this below -- but is the above one not acceptable?

Should be average size!



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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2019, 06:18:05 AM »
Here is a contribution provided by castle1017. :)


Shadowmuse Blown

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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #35 on: February 08, 2019, 10:28:57 AM »

Just wanted to say that this morph is awesome, Cap'n! 

Love it!
~Shadowmuse Blown

Subscribe to my "Revenge" Blog to read the entire novel as it's created.  A one-time fee will bring months of reading about Tory's journey as her massive chest swells ever larger. Find out how you can access The Revenge Blog at my regular blog --> Shadowmuse Blown's Blog


Captain Nemo

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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2019, 05:23:31 PM »
Dear my Muse,
Once again I am risking your displeasure, because I do not know, how You are feeling about pornography.  Of course this is one, I (or You) could not post at DA, it is against rules.  May be You will appreciate it here.  If not, if it offend You, I shall remove it.  ???
Please comment
Note: If this post's image is marked as "linked from my morphs thread" you probably cannot see the full image, but you can find it @ (click below):

click here, find the image (usually near the date of this post), click to enlarge, and "download image"



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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2019, 12:47:43 PM »
Dearest Captain...Thanks for posting Bridgette...she is a beautiful SlimUltraBusty type, and for bringing up the subject of pornography.  I probably have a more liberal view of scenes that show sex.  I have never understood why our greatest pleasure should also be so taboo.  All animals on Earth procreate, even dogs in your back yard... ha ha ha.  There is no shame in celebrating love or sex, but it is not for minors and there are a few areas, as a woman, that I don't like such as humiliation, torture, **14**, violence towards women (or men) and I really don't like anal sex, so those are personal dislikes about pornography.  I have no problem with posting scenes that feature SlimUltraBusty women having sex, but there might be some here who do not like to see these images, so I would like to hear what others think.  Thanks for opening up the subject, Captain, and I would like to hear your thoughts also.




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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #38 on: February 09, 2019, 04:21:56 PM »
Since this is Llelwyn's thread, we should follow her likes and avoid her dislikes . My $0.02.   :)



  • 32L Cup
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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2019, 07:51:49 PM »
I will try to keep a balance in my posts between art and morphs.  With morphs, the artist works with real women to show how beautiful they would look with larger bosoms.  In art, however, there can be much more to a scene than just the women or creature that has big breasts.  I find the settings in art fascinating in the hands of a talented visual artist.  Here is an underwater womanly creature by Chup at Cabra.  The link to the picture is:


For me, breasts start to be beautiful when they are at the navel or below.  To see other worldly women can be fun, but, for some reason, I don't like "furry" art which usually has some sort of animal head.




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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2019, 09:47:07 PM »
My idea of slim and busty. ;D



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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #41 on: February 09, 2019, 10:15:36 PM »
Here is one of my favorite morphs done by Captain Nemo using one of my photos from the 2015 AVN. Definitely the definition of slim and busty. Enjoy. :)

Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #42 on: February 09, 2019, 11:30:29 PM »
Very nice initiative to bring our fine deviantart group closer to the good old bearchive community,Llelwyn.
Thanks for choosing one of my works ;D.

Here is a morph from Bnatic in Deviantart - another good friend of mine.  Here is the link to the image in his gallery:  https://www.deviantart.com/bnatic/art/2018-01-18-Bedroom-v3-2-741824959

Quite a stunning example of a slim and ultra bust girl, yes?




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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2019, 02:56:37 AM »
selfy, or we are never so well served as by ourselves  :D (with a little help of me  ::))
Bigger is Better



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Re: The SlimUltraBusty Art & Morph Forum
« Reply #44 on: February 10, 2019, 06:12:11 AM »
Something from unnamade I found at Chonyuu.com. :)