Well, today being Memorial Day 2022, I revisited the Palomine thread and there are just a few updates that don't really change anything of the history.
1. Google Earth has now scrubbed off the image layer content / links in and around the mountaintop pool and observation point. So finding the breadcrumbs that ultimately linked up to Palomine via an intermediary photographer are lost to history.
2. This location is in the general vicinity of where Palomine had his now famous backyard cooking photos. In our late night chats he disclosed enough details for me to find the street as he had described features in proximity. The man did love to grill and put together some great meals.
3. If there is some legacy of his being here at the BEA, based on some of the talks he had with Kithara and me, it seems fitting to envision him making the last few posts here on the forum, closing down the computer, walking out onto his deck and closing the grill... calling his beloved dog to his side and the two of them walking out the back gate to the hiking trails and quietly disappearing into the hills as the sun sets.
Putting another steak on the grill for you man, you are welcome to stop by, if only in spirit.
May you have a busty cowgirl hiking companion with a backpack full of snacks and beef jerky!