Galaform scaffold
« on: November 12, 2019, 06:03:11 PM »
My wife is considering an augmentation. She is very athletic, and lifts frequently.  For this reason she does not want submuscular implants, despite the perceived aesthetic benefit.  However, she is concerned about the lack of support for subglandular implants.   We've noticed the use of a scaffold called Galaform as an internal bra, and it seems like a good solution, but it has been hard to find Manhattan surgeon websites that say the doctor is trained to use them.  Is it so common that almost any surgeon we contact works with the Galaform scaffold?  Or are there just not many of them?  References to docs in NYC that are trained for Galaform would be appreciated!




  • L Cup
  • 53960
Re: Galaform scaffold
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2021, 11:38:21 PM »
Almost two years later, has there been any movement on this?
AOC, HK, TW, BO, KH: FU. FUATH. 100x.