Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #360 on: August 18, 2023, 05:06:34 AM »
I looked ahead on the TLC channel for the upcoming Strange Addiction Still Addicted show for next week and while it does not mention boobs or implants, I rather hope Lacy would be featured because IMHO, she has a story that should be told.  Society looks down on really big fake boobs, like there is something wrong with the girl and all sorts of nasty remarks, usually from girls. which I find hypocritical when often times the criticism comes from someone who thinks their tattoos, piercings, or green hair is acceptable.  If it makes you feel good, do what you like, but don't criticize others for doing the same.



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Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #361 on: August 18, 2023, 05:45:29 AM »
^A follow up photo to yours, Bombayduk.  :)

Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #362 on: August 24, 2023, 11:06:15 PM »
On the Addicted show tonight, Lacey said her boobs currently weigh 27lbs, which would be like 6100cc each, which she has had for a number of years.  She had one blow out two years ago while trying to reach down into her washing machine (they get in the way of things most people wouldn't even imagine) but was able to get a same size replacement quickly.  I must say, while I have no idea of size in this picture, on the show, I was thinking a bit less than 6100cc.  The thing is, she announced she would soon be getting expanders with a initial fill weight of 41lbs., which would be about 9500cc. 

Boobpedia seems to list her cup size at 3150, which she quoted on the show as being the previous size implants she got in 2011 with a clip talking to her son back when.  The implant she holds up as her current size looks bigger than that.  From what I gather, it has been some number of years, I believe 9, since she got her current implants, which has given her more than enough time to stretch and likely be able to accept a 9500cc implant.

As she explains getting expanders to her daughter, she explains the benefit; she can follow her boobie greed now that craves bigger boobs and in 10 years, when she is 65, if they seem too much, she can just drain some saline and make them smaller.  I immediately had to wonder, has she thought about how all that slack skin will look?  Once you stretch it, you should plan on keeping it stretched; saggy is not attractive.

Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #363 on: August 25, 2023, 07:56:23 AM »
I always loved me some LACEY WILDD!!!
She’s sexy fine

Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #364 on: August 26, 2023, 04:07:35 AM »
I always loved me some LACEY WILDD!!!
She’s sexy fine
Lacey played it smart, getting a internal bra with her current implants, what she calls her guitar strings.  Despite nearly a decade later, her boobs still look great, no sagging and as opposed to the previous pictures on the beach which I think as obvious was before her current larger implants, higher on her chest.

High on the chest, IMHO, always looks best as opposed to a obvious space between armpit and start of breast; I think it is the goal of most girls seeking implants, however, the implant has to go where the pocket is, unless you go above the muscle.  That said, with the invention of the internal bra, it essentially establishes the lower level of the breast, so any additional size has to go upward or outward to a degree.  The current pictures on Foxy's thread of her with the two others shows the difference when you don't have a internal bra.



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Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #365 on: February 12, 2024, 05:55:21 AM »
As I was searching for stuff, I came across Lacey Wildd and I thought, haven't seen her for a while, so I'm bumping this thread.  :)

Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #366 on: February 12, 2024, 05:34:39 PM »
As I was searching for stuff, I came across Lacey Wildd and I thought, haven't seen her for a while, so I'm bumping this thread.  :)
In her mid-50s and still looking great in my opinion.  I think she had a blowout trying to reach clothes in the bottom of her washer, but because she had a internal bra, she was able to get expanders without a lengthy healing period.  Though she said at that time that she hoped to expand her breasts to 10k or more, I am guessing that the realization that age was not likely to accommodate that desire; neither skin nor muscle are capable of making those adjustments as you age.  Huge boobs and the body to support them require a younger start.  Still, you have to hand it to her, she loves having big fake boobs.

Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #367 on: May 04, 2024, 07:10:25 AM »
Still looking great; another that has no intention of downsizing.



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Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #368 on: May 04, 2024, 08:16:30 AM »
Still looking great; another that has no intention of downsizing.

Nice bump, Bombayduk. :)



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Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #369 on: June 24, 2024, 06:09:52 AM »
Found this thread on the 27th page, bumping it up.  :)



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Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #370 on: October 01, 2024, 06:18:05 AM »
Saw this photo and I recognized the background carpet and the room wall, and it is in the Mandalay Bay hotel and casino during an Exotic Dancer meeting and fan show.  :)



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Re: Lacey Wildd MERGED
« Reply #371 on: February 03, 2025, 06:42:18 AM »
Found this thread on the 35th page of this section of the forum and I decided to bump it.  :)