I really think like thats the case and I honestly believe that many girls would like to go 2000cc and beyond but also many girls dont feel the support for going big in real life.
I, for example, had met with guys i know from my online activity (onlyfans) and sometimes, i ask if we can make a picture for my sites (instagram etc.) many dont want that, which is a total understandble reason, but many who are ok with doing and posting these pictures often say things something like: " well, if my colleagues find out, i will say that i know you since before you had such boobs." and thats might be one reason many girls dont go that big. because, as a person with 2000cc+ you cant say "i like boobs natural" but as a guy you can do this. Its also a little dating advice
you always can talk with girls about that you like fake boobs.
Well I know some women who dream for bigger ones (maybe cause of weight los or some asymmetric issues or because after preg, or other reasons), but they don't go because of social reasons, because they fear the judging around their social environment in family or at work with their colleagues.
Sure as a breast man, if they ask me, I would never say no.
But beside health reasons, I learned that women can be their worst nightmare to each other with words and looks when they judge each other.
What not meant that man can be better, so I was really disappointed when talking with a friend about a picture of Ava Addams and I said, that I find her attractive and he couldn't believe what huge monsters she had and that I find it beautiful.
So I made the discussion short by not mention that she had a good size to start with or even say that there are bigger ones I find attractive too.
Maybe we might be on a good way, if there would be more positive feedback in social media than always the worse comments.
So I think there will be still a long way for accepting women going for huge boobs (even 1000cc and beyond)
or even women which decide to go for expanders and steady filling.