An alpha list of Artists who have Image Posts here.
But first, here is a list of artists,
from the Image Collection, that are not included here,
all because they do/did not sign their work.
That is really sad, because they have produced some excellent work.
Alex Morphs, Apehanger, Archibal, AZN, Bad Gato,
Bakunyu, BB, Beezler, BELover, Bender,
Big Babel Boy, Booby Hatch, BookerTWelfare, Breezeker, Bulbus,
Cancuz, Candye, Candyeman, Daniel, Divad,
Duckeroo, eDD, EroBuster, Esteban Jones, Fettberg,
Fillerbunee2, Flapjack, Goblin, Gunslinger, HeiTigerfeistreich,
HugeHooters, Huh, HumpBoobs, IAmTheLizardKing, IMC,
JimboJones, Lester Fester, Litch, Londonman, Machine,
Malkie, ManiacJim20XX, Melloan, Oozy, Phoenyxxs,
Pierre, R. Pavese, Rack Thief, Ratchet, RJH,
RobC, SamuralOtakU, Simulator, SirUnderstood, Splicer,
Spot1997, Susann, Tarkus, TMan, Tommy,
Umpty Dumpty, Victor, Voluminous, Wiley, Zone Of Decay
This Index also provides a way to match up the artists with their image posts.
As soon as the the first of the later additions to this Database are added,
it will be obvious to all, that postings cannot be made in alpha order.
This problem is handled by two methods, one for Flat mode, one for Threaded.
For those viewing in Threaded mode.
Every letter of the Alphabet has it own sub-thread.
Each Artist, including later additions, are attached to the proper sub-thread.
(ie. Every Breast Morph Artist beginning with "B",
is attached to the "Breast Morph Images, B" sub-thread)
For those viewing in Flat mode.
Every Image Post is assigned a unique number, beginning with 0001.
This image# is then included in the alpha Image Index.
(Image Index is in alpha order, Image Posts are in Image# order)
Therefore you can find the Image Post for an artist by
finding their name in the Image Index, note their Image#,
then surf downward until you reach that Image#.
(ie. To find the Image Post for Fred,
look up Fred in the Index and find: "BM0167 A Fred, Name"
0167 is the Image#, start heading down the posts until you find
the Image Post with Image# 0167, that is Fred)
A note about alphabetizing.
I never assume that the artist name is the same as his/her personal name.
Which means the only "proper" thing to do with these proper nouns it to
alphabetize by the first character of the Artist's name, whatever that is.
(ie., "Hunter S. Creek" under "H", "The Engineer" under "T").
Image Index Format: Image# Source Artist_Name Logo
Image#: Each image posting is assigned a number, beginning with 0001.
The higher the number, the later the posting,
and the deeper you will have to go into the thread to find it.
Numbers are Prefixed with "BM", "3D", or "DR"
to help identify the section to which they belong.
Source: C = Image Collection; A = Additional Source.
Artist_Name: Artist's name, not necessarily the same
as the artist's ID or the name of the artist's gallery.
Logo: "Name" indicates Artist's_Name is the logo,
"/" used to separate multiple logos
Image# S Artist_Name
BM0001 C 3Deroticer, Name
BM0154 A 8Ball, 8-Ball
BM0002 C Absynthed, Name
BM0003 C Adlatus, Name
BM0004 C Angelusx, Name/Guy Wearing a Coat
BM0005 C Anzacs, Name
BM0006 C Arc Tangent, @/¸
BM0007 C Archita, Name
BM0155 A Axle, Name
BM0008 C Bawookles, Name
BM0009 C BE Shark, Name
BM0156 A BeauTit, Name
BM0010 C Benji Dude, Name
BM0011 C Beowulfal, Name/Color Spectrum
BM0157 A Big Bob, Name
BM0012 C Big Dreams, Name
BM0013 C Big U, Name
BM0014 C Blax12, Name
BM0158 A Bnguy, Name
BM0015 C Bonfire, Name
BM0016 C Boobamaniac, Name
BM0159 A Boobarian, Name
BM0017 C Breeze, Name
BM0018 C Brickhouse, Name
BM0019 C Brinker, B
BM0020 C Brutus, Name
BM0021 C BTD, Name
BM0022 C Bugger King, Name
BM0023 C Bust Artist,Name
BM0160 A CarlTL, Guy wearing a Crown
BM0024 C Ce-Be, CB
BM0025 C Chevoit, Name
BM0026 C Cobr4, Name
BM0027 C Colonel Morphermor, Name/Morphermor
BM0161 A Corbeaux, Name
BM0028 C Coyote, Name
BM0162 A Crazy Malazy, CM
BM0029 C Curve Factory, Name
BM0030 C Dark Angel, Blue Angel
BM0031 C Dark Knight, Name
BM0032 C Daydreamer, Name
BM0033 C Digital Developmenter, Name/Digital D
BM0163 A Dirty Lens, Name
BM0034 C Dngresser, Name
BM0035 C DocRoss, Name
BM0036 C Dr. Bumpy, Name
BM0037 C Dr. Bust, Name
BM0038 C Dr. Curvy, Name
BM0039 C Dr. Fashizzle, Name
BM0040 C Dr. Ivan, Name
BM0041 C Dr. Morpho, Blue Butterfly
BM0042 C Dr. XPrime, Dr. X' (Pie Wedges)
BM0043 C Eddie, Name
BM0164 A Ego Trip, Name
BM0044 C El Booberino, Name
BM0045 C Ellias, Name
BM0046 C Elvish Wiz, Name
BM0047 C Emerald, Name
BM0048 C Erixen, Name
BM0165 A Escher, Triangle
BM0049 C Fantasy Graphics, Name
BM0050 C FG, Name
BM0051 C Flashbird, Name
BM0052 C Flesh Demon, Demon
BM0053 C Foonman, Name
BM0054 C Franz & Katia, F&K/Franz75 & Katia
BM0166 A Freakzoid, Name
BM0167 A Fred, Name
BM0055 C Friction Face, Name
BM0056 C Fuzzy, Name
BM0057 C Galvatron, Name
BM0058 C GeniusCat, Name
BM0168 A Ghoti, Name
BM0169 A Gigatits, Name
BM0059 C Glamorphs, Name
BM0060 C GLI, Name
BM0401 A Gonzo, G (Stylized)
BM0061 C Greenhil, G
BM0170 A Guilty_Sparks, Blue Eye
BM0062 C Gunbuster, G!
BM0063 C Guy Incognito, Guy In Purple Hat
BM0064 C Haettenschweller, Name/H
BM0065 C Heavy Metal 1980, Name
BM0066 C Heavyweights, Name
BM0067 C Hocus Pocus, Name
BM0068 C Hudd, Name
BM0069 C Huge Man, HM
BM0070 C Hunter S. Creek, Name/H.S.C.
BM0071 C IFS, Name
BM0402 A JDavie, Name
BM0072 C JeffHero, Name
BM0171 A Jester, Name
BM0172 A JigAJug, Name
BM0073 C Johnny C, Name
BM0074 C JS, Name (Erasure in Circle)
BM0075 C KBA, Name
BM0076 C Krunk, Name
BM0077 C Lazyboy, Name
BM0078 C Leaf, Leaf
BM0079 C Magic, Name
BM0173 A Magnus, Name
BM0080 C Martin Brumm, Name/Martin B.
BM0081 C Maxxx1, Name
BM0082 C Mindspat, Name
BM0083 C Mister Mystery, ?
BM0084 C MonkeyBoy, Name
BM0085 C Moonstone, Name
BM0086 C MorphMonger, Name
BM0174 A Morfy, Name
BM0087 C Mr. Jones, Name
BM0088 C Mr. Licker, Name
BM0089 C MunchWolf, Guy In Mad Hatter Hat
BM0090 C MuteAnt, Name
BM0091 C Mystery Morpher, Name
BM0092 C Neo Knight, Name
BM0175 A NewArtMan, Name
BM0093 C Nick Caesar, Name
BM0094 C Ninkasi, N
BM0176 A NJE, Rex Features
BM0095 C Odysseus, Name
BM0096 C OKane, OK Fingers
BM0097 C Omega Morph, Name
BM0098 C OOps, Name (Spelled Boob,Boob,p,s)
BM0099 C Ouroboros, Name
BM0100 C Pacman, Name/PM/Pacman Character
BM0101 C Patrak, Name
BM0102 C Phoenix, Watermelon
BM0103 C Pi, Pi Symbol
BM0104 C Picmalion, Name
BM0105 C Plus2Cups, Name
BM0106 C QAZ, Name
BM0107 C Rackman, Name
BM0108 C Rasputin, Name
BM0109 C Replicant, Name
BM0110 C Rev. Monsoon aka Macman, Macman
BM0111 C RoundAndHeavy, Name/Scales
BM0112 C Rtpoe, Name
BM0113 C RXI Tek, Name
BM0114 C Sako, Name
BM0115 C Sayonara, Name
BM0116 C SCP, Name
BM0117 C Shara, STM
BM0118 C Sheber, Recycle
BM0119 C Shuurfak, Name
BM0120 C Sience, Name
BM0121 C SkiJumper, Name
BM0122 C SkyMaxGraphics, Name
BM0403 A Slacker, slaX
BM0123 C Softfurry, Name
BM0124 C Sonic Morph, Name/Blue Critter
BM0125 C Spike, Name
BM0126 C Squid, Name
BM0127 C St Stephan, Halo
BM0128 C Steveo, Name
BM0129 C Stevey, S.Y.
BM0130 C Stretcher, Name/S
BM0177 A Studio 34M, Name
BM0178 A Sturm Brightblade, Name
BM0131 C Surfrider, Name
BM0132 C Svartedauden, Name
BM0133 C The Engineer, Name/E
BM0134 C The Expander, Name/The Expander 2/X-Spander
BM0179 A The Fan 2, Name
BM0135 C The Inflater, Name
BM0136 C The Phantom Banana, Banana
BM0137 C The Surgeon, Name
BM0138 C The Unamorpher, Name
BM0139 C Thor, Thor
BM0140 C ThreeT, Blue T
BM0141 C TndVrs, TDV/Spider
BM0142 C Topographer, Name
BM0143 C Trax, Name
BM0404 A Tron, Name
BM0144 C UKMorpher, UKM
BM0145 C Visions aka JayJay, Name
BM0405 A Vitamin "C", Name
BM0146 C Wally, Name (Morphs other Morphers)
BM0180 A WhiteStarr, Name
BM0181 A Wonder Bra, Name
BM0182 A Wytchocolate, Name
BM0147 C Xado_BE, Name
BM0148 C XenOphage, Runes (Spelling egahponez)
BM0149 C XTremGrl, XG
BM0150 C Zasha, ZK
BM0406 A Zoidberg, ZB
BM0183 A Zorak, Name
BM0151 C Zorro, Zorro
BM0184 A Zu Schwer, Name
BM0152 C Zulluh, Name/Z/Cat
BM0153 C ZZ, Name
A list of logos, and their artists,
where the logo is not the Artist's name.
It is easy to identify the artist of an image,
when that artist signs the work with his/her name.
But when that artist signs in a different manner,
it can be difficult to identify the artist.
This Cross-Reference may help.
Logo = Artist_Name
@ = Arc Tangent
? = Mister Mystery
¸ = Arc Tangent
8-Ball = 8Ball
B = Brinker
Banana = The Phantom Banana
Blue Angel = Dark Angel
Blue Butterfly = Dr. Morpho
Blue Critter = Sonic Morph
Blue Orb = Guilty Sparks
Blue T = ThreeT
Cat = Zulluh
CB = Ce-Be
CM = Crazy Malazy
Color Spectrum = Beowulfal
Demon = Flesh Demon
Digital D = Digital Developmenter
Dr. X' (Pie Wedges) = Dr. XPrime
E = The Engineer
F&K = Franz & Katia
Franz75 & Katia = Franz & Katia
G = Greenhil
G (Stylized) = Gonzo
G! = Gunbuster
Guy wearing A Coat = Angelusx
Guy wearing A Crown = CarlTL
Guy Wearing A Mad Hatter Hat = MunchWolf
Guy Wearing A Purple Hat = Guy Incognito
H = Haettenschweller
H.S.C. = Hunter S. Creek
Halo = St Stephan
HM = Huge Man
Leaf = Leaf
Macman = Rev. Monsoon
Martin B. = Martin Brumm
Morphermor = Colonel Morphermor
N = Ninkasi
OK Fingers = OKane
Pacman Character = Pacman
Pi Symbol = Pi
PM = Pacman
Recycle = Sheber
Rex Features = NJE
Runes = XenOphage
S = Stretcher
S.Y. = Stevey
Scales = RoundAndHeavy
slaX = Slacker
Spider = TndVrs
STM = Shara
TDV = TndVrs
The Expander 2 = The Expander
Thor = Thor
Triangle = Escher
UKM = UKMorpher
Watermelon = Phoenix
X-Spander = The Expander
XG = XTremGrl
Z = Zulluh
ZB = Zoidberg
ZK = Zasha
Zorro = Zorro
Almost everything in my Image collection was gathered from the sites listed below.
Some links have been provided by Forum Members.
This is the only part of this Database that I am disappointed with,
because this list is far too short.
Members, if you have a link to add to this list,
please submit it to me by Private Message.
Wesites in financial/legal conflict with The BEA are not listed here.
A group listed is either a single group, or the lead group of a family of groups.
A few groups are the Home Site for a Morph Artist.
But most group are "Repost" groups.
They repost images collected from other sites (like The BEA),
but that is the nature of most groups.
Breast Morph Artists
Multiple Artists
http://www.bearchive.com/http://www.(prohibited L).com/
http://www.farangdingdong.com/Yahoo Groups
Multiple Artists
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bandbmorphclubii/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bmorphs/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/breastsofheaven/Benji Dude
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MorphedSweaters/Guy Incognito
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/morphedbreastsno1/Sonic Morph